If you are looking to solve today’s Connections puzzle but don’t know which direction to go, you will want to see these hints to get a better idea. There are plenty of clues that can help you solve this puzzle, but plenty of misdirection as well. There are a lot of possible combinations in this one, and it was a close call for me to win this one. Now that I know, I can give you a few hints that should help you finish faster than I did.
If you are looking for a different puzzle to solve today, the NYT’s Mini Crossword is a great possibility. In a world full of games that take over 60 hours to complete, this is a game that takes only a few minutes and is able to be solved in no time at all. While a traditional Crossword puzzle could take a long afternoon to solve, this mini version only takes a short bus ride to complete. It’s also a nice way to finish up the day and solve a nice, simple puzzle to get your confidence up.
Today's Connections Category Hints
JANUARY 07 #576
There is a fair amount of crossover in this puzzle. As you likely noticed, there are a lot of words with an “a” in front of them, as well as a lot of words that have to do with volumes of things. This can make it hard to narrow the categories down, but there are other ways you can start to separate things out. Here are a few clues to help you in your quest:
- One category is about something you can use your voice for
- One category is about a select amount of things
- One category is about words that are often used on the second line
- One category is about words that can be said in a particular pattern, made famous in poetry
8 NYT Tiles Strategies To Score Huge Combos
The Tiles game for the New York Times mobile app asks you to use various strategies to pair matching visual patterns together to build huge combos.
If those clues were not enough for you, there are still more to come. There are category names below, followed by spoilers.
___IS___(IS___) |
Today's Connections Answers
JANUARY 07 #576
Yellow Answers: Revealed & Explained
This one felt fairly straightforward. Dismissing the idea of a category for words proceeded by “a,” A CAPPELLA is a fairly big hint about what this category was expecting. BARBERSHOP also felt fairly obvious, and once I put those two with DOO-WOP, I was looking for the last word. When I did, there was only one word left that could have anything to do with music, which was MADRIGAL. It is nice when it’s fairly clear that there are no other words that have the same connotation or meaning so you can finish off a category.
Green Answers: Revealed & Explained
This one was a little tricky. I had A FEW, SOME, and VARIOUS in the category together with ENOUGH. That made more sense to me as an amount than CERTAIN did. However, once it failed, I knew I was quite close to the right answer. I thought that ENOUGH was probably the one that felt the least correct. Even so, I think CERTAIN belongs here a little less than the others but I understand why it’s the answer when ENOUGH is not.
10 Best Connections Tips, Tricks, & Strategies
Four categories with four words each sounds simple, but the daily challenge of the Connections game can prove difficult without a few tips to help.
Blue Answers: Revealed & Explained
At this point, there were four words left with the “a” and I thought that might be the answer. However, before I answered I was looking at the right combination of words as a possible category as well, due to them looking like words related to books. I sort of wavered between which one I wanted to guess first, as I was running low on guesses. However, I did manage to get this one before I ran out. I was not sure what the last words were about, but at least I got this one.
Purple Answers: Revealed & Explained
I was confused when I first saw the category name, as I thought they meant that these words were supposed to be strung together. However, after thinking it over and as I was writing the hints for the categories, I realized that it’s about the pattern and not about stringing them together. That made it easier to process and I felt a little silly. But, as long as I finish the puzzle, I am not that mad at myself and am just glad I avoided losing my streak.
Other Games Like Connections
If you still want to solve another puzzle today, there are plenty of possible wordplay games left as seen in the boxes below.
Released June 12, 2023
Developer(s) The New York Times Company
Publisher(s) The New York Times Company