If it feels like things are getting out of control in today’s Connections puzzle, you may get a good lead from these tips and tricks. There are some tricky parts to this puzzle, and the last two categories are potentially hard to separate out. It depends on how you think and what you might pull out of the clues in the puzzle, but it was a bit hard for me due to some of the associations I made when I first looked at the puzzle. Keep reading to get all the hints you need to decipher the puzzle.
If you like Connections, you will also like the NYT’s Wordle puzzle. There are a lot of different 5-letter words out there, but the good news is that every day the list gets one shorter, narrowing down the amount of words you have to go through to guess the next word. This makes it a little easier every day, in addition to the practice you get by completing it. You also get more guesses than you do with Connections, which is a big plus.
Today's Connections Category Hints
FEBRUARY 07 #607
Today’s puzzle is hard because of the fact that most categories are not definition-based, and the words can feel very disconnected. There are a lot of different possibilities and the associations I thought of ended up having nothing to do with the puzzle itself, except for one. That can make it challenging to solve the puzzle, so if you are anything like me, here are hints that might help you out:
- One category is about words that describe a person near the top
- One category is about things that are all made from the same material
- One category is about four things that are all associated with the same fictional person
- One category is about four words that come after the same word in a phrase - that word is a color
12 Letter Boxed Strategies To Win Quickly
The Letter Boxed game for the New York Times mobile app asks you to connect letters to form words while using various strategies to win quickly.
If you still need a bit of help, the category names will likely give this puzzle away. However, if you find yourself struggling to get the last word of the category right, the spoilers are further down below.
RED ___ |
Today's Connections Answers
FEBRUARY 07 #607
Yellow Answers: Revealed & Explained
This category was fairly easy and I got it pretty fast. It is the one category that is connected by definition, and it made it stand out from the rest of them. It was a nice start, and the main word that tipped it off for me was DIRECT. The confusing part is that most of these words could be nouns or verbs, but RUN is just a verb. That might throw you off, and I had to think about them just to make sure they all could be both beyond that word.
Green Answers: Revealed & Explained
This one was the next one I got and I felt pretty good about it. I was trying to figure out what might make the remaining words distinct, and I focused on GALOSH because it is a fairly unique word with not a lot of variable meanings. I looked at it and TIRE and realized they shared a material. It wasn’t too hard after that to add BALLOON and ERASER to them and grab the category. After that, however, things went a little worse for me in the remaining categories.
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This tricky little five by five crossword isn't always as easy as it looks; here are a couple easy tips and tricks to beat your friends' times!
Blue Answers: Revealed & Explained
This is where things got a little worse for me, and I think that for everyone reading this, WISHES and LAMP are probably the words that are meant to clue you in. I was not focused on WISHES at all, as I was unknowingly trying to solve the last category instead and had some of these words traded in and out instead of VELVET. It was unfortunate, but I thought I was very close. As it turned out, I was, but not close enough.
Purple Answers: Revealed & Explained
I was close but I was focused on the wrong words. It’s ironic, because I use “Red Herring” as a phrase in these guides all the time, and I even said it to myself multiple times while solving this one. I didn’t, however, associate any of the other words with the color, and I’m not sure I would have. Instead of Velvet, I originally had LAMP here, because I was focused on things that had religious symbology. That’s likely the archaeologist in me, but alas, I was one VELVET away from solving this one.
Other Games Like Connections
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Released June 12, 2023
Developer(s) The New York Times Company
Publisher(s) The New York Times Company