Fans of Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete have found a small but sweet way to show their Camp Caretakers how much they appreciate their hard work. The title has replaced the previously free-to-play Pocket Camp, allowing people to continue enjoying the legacy of the seven-year-old game. Part of the Pocket Camp experience entails appointing one villager to be the camp's official caretaker, and fans are sharing how they show their appreciation for the characters.
Caretakers help out with the camp when the players aren't logged in, fulfilling requests and collecting materials even when the app is closed. The next time players log in, caretakers share a report of everything they've accomplished while the player was gone and give them any items they'd collected. Every time the caretaker helps out, players can choose between two options in response.
Although both options are relatively similar each time, Reddit user mayorofutopia shares that they prefer to "pick the 'nicer' dialogue option." It turns out that many fellow AC: PCC players feel the same, always choosing what they believe to be the more appreciative option.
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete Players Always Choose The "Nicer" Option
There Is No Difference In Response From The Caretakers
There are no "bad" or outright negative responses to caretaker reports, as the choices are typically concise and positive. In fact, the caretaker will react the same regardless of which dialogue option is selected. The options that players can pick from include "Thank you!", "High five!", and "Love it!" However, some players feel that a few of the options are more "dismissive," including the original poster who writes, "I just feel like 'keep at it' is so dismissive of all her hard work!"
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete Fans Launch Email Campaign Begging Nintendo To Remove Dead Space By Van
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete fans are hoping that Nintendo will make just one final change to the game before stopping support for good.
"I ALWAYS say 'thank you' when it's one of the options and I wish it was always there," says Reddit user potatoes-pls. They say that sometimes they're forced to choose between two "rude" responses, much to their outrage. They say, "I would NEVER speak to Pekoe that way how dare you." In a cozy and wholesome game, it makes sense to choose the kindest option, even when faced with two dialogue lines that aren't too different from each other. After all, camp caretakers do quite a lot of work when players aren't around, and many fans want to replay their kindness with their own kindness, in any way they can.
Animal Crossing Villagers May Not Be Real, But Players Love Them Anyway
Some Villagers Have A Special Place In Players' Hearts
The villagers in the Animal Crossing franchise might not be real, but they've been faithful companions to many players over the years. It's easy to form an emotional attachment to the cute characters, who are all unique despite having repeating dialogue lines. As Redditor godplslookaway says, of course I know "they're just pixels on the screen." She might not be real, but I definitely feel like I want to return the favor and be positive right back at her. For some other players, that connection is even more significant. Redditor orangetangerine shares that their camp caretaker makes them think of their departed dog:
My own camp caretaker is Goldie, and I love her. She is the embodiment of a golden retriever and I also always choose the nicer options. I love to see her bounce around happily when I tell her she did a good job. I'm just glad that Nintendo chose to keep the game alive through Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete, so fans can continue to experience this wholesome title.
Source: mayorofutopia/Reddit, potatoes-pls/Reddit, godplslookaway/Reddit, orangetangerine/Reddit
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Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete
Life Simulation
Released December 3, 2024
Developer(s) Nintendo
Publisher(s) Nintendo