The iconic game show Wheel of Fortune has undergone numerous changes since its debut in 1975, but one significant alteration has been the discontinuation of the returning champion format. Once a staple of the show, the concept of having contestants return episode after episode to defend their titles was phased out in favor of giving new players a chance. But why did the show decide to end this beloved format?
In its early years, particularly during the late 1970s and early 1980s, Wheel of Fortune allowed contestants to return as champions until they were defeated. This format mirrored other popular game shows of the time, such as Jeopardy! and The Price Is Right. Contestants could win multiple games, accumulating cash and prizes, which made for exciting television and created a loyal fan base rooting for their favorite players. However, in 1985, the show underwent a major shift. Contestants were limited to a single episode, with a new group introduced every night. This change marked the end of the returning champion format as a regular feature, though it reappeared briefly in various forms, such as the "Friday Finals" in the late 1990s and again in 2023.
Why the Change?
Ex-Host Pat Sajak once explained that Wheel of Fortune is as much about luck as it is about skill. Unlike trivia-based game shows, where knowledge often guarantees victory, Wheel of Fortune relies heavily on the spin of the wheel. A skilled contestant could find themselves repeatedly landing on "Bankrupt" or "Lose a Turn," while a less skilled player might hit big prizes by sheer luck. This dynamic often makes it challenging to determine a "deserving" champion in a fair and consistent way.
In an interview, Sajak remarked, "We wanted to give everyone a fair shot at the wheel. Sometimes the luckiest person wins, and that’s okay—it’s part of the charm of the game." Another reason for the change was to ensure the show remained engaging and inclusive. By introducing new contestants every episode, the producers could offer more people the chance to participate. This decision also prevented viewers from feeling disconnected if the same champion dominated for an extended period. The sentiment was echoed by longtime viewers like Cynthia King, who once said, "Being on Wheel of Fortune is a dream come true for so many. Allowing new contestants to come on every night makes that dream accessible to more people."
The Return of Returning Champions?
Despite ending the format decades ago, Wheel of Fortune experimented with bringing it back in different forms. The "Friday Finals," introduced in the late 1990s, brought back the top performers from earlier in the week to compete against one another. More recently, the show welcomed back fan-favorite contestants for special events like "Fan Favorites Week." While these revivals generated excitement, they also sparked controversy. Fans criticized the decision to allow past contestants to compete again, arguing it was unfair to those who had been waiting years for their chance. Social media erupted with comments like, "How are these people getting a second chance when others are still waiting for their first?"
As Wheel of Fortune transitions into a new era with Ryan Seacrest as host, it’s clear that the focus remains on inclusivity and entertainment. While the returning champion format holds a nostalgic place in the hearts of longtime fans, its absence ensures that more contestants get a shot at spinning the wheel. As one fan put it, "The thrill of Wheel of Fortune isn’t just in winning—it’s in seeing everyday people have their moment to shine. That’s what makes it special." New episodes of Wheel of Fortune Season 42 air nightly on ABC. You can also stream the show on YouTube TV in the U.S.
Release Date September 19, 1983
Cast Pat Sajak , Vanna White , Bob Goen , Chuck Woolery , Charlie O'Donnell , Don Pardo
Main Genre Game Show
Seasons 41
Creator(s) Merv Griffin