Why Aries Season Is Bringing Some Major Chaos to 2025, According to an Astrologer

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The beginning of a new calendar year is a thrilling moment full of promise. But when it comes to astrology, there's an even more significant moment to dream big about the year ahead: Aries season. Coinciding with the spring equinox, the start of Aries season kicks off a whole new trip around the zodiac for the sun. In other words, it's the astrological new year, bringing just as much hope and motivation as the day after you watch that big glimmering ball drop.

It's tough not to feel the go-getter nature of Aries season. Not only does it usher in a time of year when the winter chill is dissipating and the world begins to blossom, but because Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of action, energy, sex, and anger, your passions and drive are ignited over the course of this transit.

Because Aries is the first sign of the zodiac — often referred to as the "baby" of the zodiac — the cardinal fire sign is the perfect host of any brand new chapter you'd like to launch. Here's what you need to know about Aries season in 2025, and, most importantly, how it will impact your zodiac sign.

What Is Aries Season?

Lasting for about a month annually, Aries season is the time the sun moves through Aries, the cardinal fire sign. Every year, the sun, which oversees self-image, identity, purpose, and confidence, makes its way through each of the 12 zodiac signs, spending about 30 days in each, and setting a unique tone for how you may experience the world.

When it's Aries season, you're more likely to be fired up to pursue your most ambitious goals, make bold moves, and express your most passionate emotions. This is thanks to the cardinal fire sign's ruling planet, Mars, which is the planet of energy, action, sex, and anger. The planet named for the God of War is all about taking action as speedily as possible.

Because Aries is associated with the first house of self, the competitive, go-getter sign is wired to stand strong in their sense of self and default to putting themselves first. That said, while the sun is making its journey through Aries, you could be inclined to debate others, strive to come out on top, and to fervently hit the gas on your loftiest aspirations.

When Is Aries Season?

This year, Aries season will be from March 20 to April 19. In the past, Aries season has been any time between March 19-21 to April 19-20.

Aries Season: What to Expect in 2025

Although the sun moves through Aries every year, the moon and other planets each have their own distinct patterns through the sky, making for a unique astrological picture that differs from one year to the next. Here's what's going on astrologically during Aries season in 2025.

Venus, the planet of relationships, beauty, and values, is retrograde as Aries season begins, and on March 27, it'll shift from Aries back into mutable water sign Pisces, the sign in which it's considered to be in its exaltation or capable of functioning at its highest capacity. As it moves back through empathic Pisces until April 12, look inward to explore your empathy, spiritual well-being, and emotional healing within your relationships.

March 29 marks the first game-changing eclipse of the new year: a solar eclipse in fiery Aries. This new moon caps off an eclipse cycle that's been in full swing since April 19, 2023. Think back on the past two years for a sense of how far you've come.

Mercury, which went retrograde in Aries on March 15, will continue to move forward in Pisces, wrapping up a three-week period of crossed wires, self-work, and slowing down in order to tie up loose ends.

Zodiac Signs Who Might Be Most Affected During Aries Season 2025

People born with their sun in Aries aren't the only ones who will be affected by Aries season. Anyone born with their sun or major planetary placements in any of the cardinal signs — Aries (cardinal fire), Cancer (cardinal water), Libra (cardinal air), and Capricorn (cardinal earth) — could come away from Aries season feeling prepared to move forward into an exciting new era.

How Aries Season Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Here's what every sign can expect this Aries season. Feel free to read the below based on your zodiac sign and/or rising sign, too.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Your season is finally here, Aries. You're eager to step into the spotlight, especially because the past month has been spent with the sun moving through your 12th house of spirituality, which has been a rather sleepy, restful occasion. But now, you can hit the ground running and turn any visions that came up for you over the last four weeks into a concrete reality. Sure, you might encounter setbacks and out-of-the-blue twists of fate along the way, but if anyone can continue to blaze ahead and make their mark, it's you.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Over the past month, you've been immersed in group activities with friends and colleagues, thanks to your 11th house being activated during Pisces season, Taurus. But as the sun moves through Aries and lights up your 12th house of spirituality now, you'll be compelled to take a step back from your social life in order to prioritize rest and nurture your imagination. Solo time can lead to trusting your intuition even more, ultimately setting the stage for ambitious moves during your very own season, which is on the horizon.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The sun moved through your 10th house of career most recently, Gemini, nudging you to get even more in tune with your sense of authority and perhaps to take the reins on a big picture project. Now, since the sun is in your 11th house of networking during Aries season, it's time to channel any confidence you earned and put it toward a team endeavor with colleagues or friends. This zone is also one that deals with long-term wishes, so focus on a desire that you've been holding close to your heart, and you could begin to move toward feeling more gratified.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The sun has been in your ninth house of adventure, nudging you to step out of your comfort zone, Cancer. But Aries season activates your 10th house of career, which could throw a spotlight on any imbalances between your work life and your home life. Sure, you're innately a homebody, but as the sun shifts through this very public zone of your chart, you'll be encouraged to evaluate your professional goals. Is your definition of success the same it's always been? Or is it possible it's time to reframe what you see as a win? This is also a moment that was made for stepping into a position of authority. It's time to make your mark in an applause-worthy, public way.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

If you've been wanting to shake up your routine and learn something new, meet people outside of your social circle, or flirt with philosophies and opinions that differ from your perspective, Aries season is your moment to do just that, Leo. That's because the sun is now in your ninth house of adventure; feel free to spread your wings. This could look like traveling to a new place, working with a mentor to hone a skill set, or making new friends who open your eyes to a whole new point of view. Being open to the unknown will be thrilling and fulfilling for you during this time, and it can also lead to personal growth.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

With the sun in your eighth house of intimacy now, Virgo, you'll be motivated to share your most deep-rooted emotions with someone special, whether that's a significant other or loved one. In fact, superficial conversations that barely skim the surface are even less interesting than usual to you now. You crave meaningful, intellectually-stimulating, heartfelt communication, as well as any chance you can get to take an existing relationship to the next level. This is also the best possible season for making strides on projects related to joint assets, like investments, savings, or paying down debt.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct 22)

Building relationships with people is a skill for you, Libra, because your sign is associated with the seventh house of partnership. Fortunately for you, during Aries season, that zone is exactly where the sun resides, making this time of year feel like you're very much in your element. You'll find you can build momentum on goals you share with a dear friend, loved one, significant other, or business partner, and you'll also mediate or negotiate your differences more easily, too. Because the seventh house of partnership sits across from the first house of self, you'll have the chance to explore how your relationships are supporting your ability to know and show up for yourself.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Aries season activates your sixth house of routine and wellness, making this the perfect moment to reflect on your hustle and think about how you might be able to feel more balanced in life, Scorpio. Sure, you'll find that this season is a good time to knock off some of your healthy to-dos (like scheduling doctor appointments), but it's also a blank canvas for a new fitness regimen or mindfulness practice. Basically, you'll be feeling more self-assured about your ability to build the day-to-day schedule of your dreams, and you can make bold moves that reflect that confidence.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You can look forward to one of the most playful, romantic seasons of the year now, Sagittarius, because the sun's move into Aries is in your fifth house of romance and self-expression. Given just how enthusiastic and gregarious you naturally are, don't be surprised if you feel a burst of creative, fun-loving, and lighthearted energy. Chances are, with the sun previously spending time in your fourth house of home life, you've been feeling a lot of big emotions from loved ones. Now, you can let go a bit and make more room for lighthearted play and spontaneity. For you, Aries season is made for magical date nights, flirty text banter, and tapping into your most artistic impulses.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

As the sun moves through Aries, it makes its way through your fourth house of home life, Capricorn, turning your attention to your family and inner emotional life. You'll find you're more compelled than usual to dive into self-work or nurture your bonds with loved ones. Walks down memory lane with your nearest and dearest loved ones can serve as a balm for your spirit during this time. And if you end up feeling like spending more time on the couch or sleeping in than you usually do (which is basically never, given how industrious you are), know that your energy is perfectly aligned with where you're supposed to be.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You're already very much a people person, Aquarius, but the sun's trip through Aries and your third house of communication is an extra active time of year for you. Your calendar will likely be jam-packed with social commitments of all kinds. During Aries season, you also have the green light to learn something new and take short-distance trips (think: a road trip with a couple of your besties). This moment is all about figuring out how you can blend social time with opportunities to soak up knowledge and prioritize eye-opening experiences.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

The sun's time in Aries lights up your second house of income, Pisces, offering you the chance to think about your financial goals. For instance, maybe you will start researching a new side hustle or come up with a new money-making strategy. To that end, you'll become even more aware of how your pastimes and jobs reflect your values (or not), and you'll realize which commitments are worth your time and energy.

Maressa Brown is a journalist, author, and astrologer. Her areas of expertise include writing, reporting, and editing lifestyle, pop culture, and parenting content that's both conversational and substantive. In addition to contributing to PS, she writes for a variety of consumer-facing publications including InStyle, Parents, and Shape, and was previously an editor at Cosmopolitan and CafeMom.

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