Today's Connections Hints & Answers For December 31, 2024 (Puzzle #569)

1 week ago 9

If you are getting a thrill out of today’s Connections puzzle but cannot get to the end of it, there are plenty of clues in here to help you complete your goal. It is the last puzzle of 2024, and you want to finish the year off with a bang, not in disappointment because you couldn’t get the last category. Instead, finish 2024 off with a win by using these clues to dispel any confusion and get the victory.

If you are looking for a new puzzle to start off your new year, you should try out the NYT’s Letter Boxed puzzle. It’s typically more challenging than Connections, but it also has a bit more mercy with how many mistakes you are allowed. In fact, you can experiment as many times as you need to and get the puzzle done on your own terms as long as you don’t run out of time at the end of the day. There are plenty of fun puzzles out there, but this one is worth trying out.

Today's Connections Category Hints

DECEMBER 31 #569

BOLT IN Connections Categories December 31

This puzzle is harder because of the similarities between the words rather than the obscurity of them. In fact, today there weren’t any words that I felt like I might have to look up just to see if there’s a weird definition of them that I’m missing. However, there are a lot of words that could mean close to the same thing or have similar ideas behind them.

  • One category is about a certain way that someone could go
  • One category is about words describing something exciting happening
  • One category is about words used in something like a letter
  • One category is about four words that come after another word in a phrase - that word is hidden in one of the words in the puzzle
NYT game The Mini


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This tricky little five by five crossword isn't always as easy as it looks; here are a couple easy tips and tricks to beat your friends' times!

If you are still looking for the right way to finish this puzzle up, you can start with the category names below.

A yellow Connections game bar


A green Connections game bar


A blue Connections game bar


A purple Connections game bar

NAME ___

Today's Connections Answers

DECEMBER 31 #569

bOLT IN Connections Answers December 31

Yellow Answers: Revealed & Explained

A yellow Connections game bar






If you are looking to BOLT, you will be moving quite quickly. This category could be a little tricky as other words throughout the rest of the puzzle sound quite similar. There are a lot of short action-oriented words that could be confusing if you aren’t paying close enough attention. BLAST in particular looked like it could go with some of these words before I knew exactly what the category was. However, I was able to get the right answer before the end of the puzzle.

Green Answers: Revealed & Explained

A green Connections game bar






If you are looking to have a fun time, you are likely looking to have some kind of THRILL. Again, something like FLY or GAME could go with some of these words. While knowing the category name makes it a lot easier to see the distinctions, looking at a bunch of these words with no context makes it harder. Luckily, with the hints you get from us it should make it easier to finish up the puzzle without getting overwhelmed and you can get a KICK out of today’s puzzle.

NYT Tiles game logo with visual pattern surrounded by happy players


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Blue Answers: Revealed & Explained

A blue Connections game bar






This one was easier for me than some of the others. I think it was easy to connect TO and FOR since it hasn’t been that long since Christmas. Seeing DEAR didn’t make it that hard to connect the dots, but ATTENTION did take me a second. It wasn’t that long, and this category felt more cohesive to put together than the others. It also helped get some words out of the way so that I could solve the rest.

Purple Answers: Revealed & Explained

A purple Connections game bar

NAME ___





This one was odd to me when I put them together. I thought BRAND and NAMES were likely to go together, but when I saw the final verdict I thought it was strange. Name NAMES feels different from the rest for some reason. It might be that I had to say it several times to remember that it is a phrase. After I thought about it more, it does make sense, but I still think it’s a little different from the rest of the words. Either way, I finished it off and with that finished the year with a win.

Other Games Like Connections

If you want to wait up to watch the year pass, you might as well pass that time with a good puzzle. Check out one of the ones below to spend time in wordplay.

Game Name

How To Play

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Wordle (NYT)

Solve a random five-letter word by using color clues. Every Wordle answer can be found in our daily updated list.



Name a country based only on its silhouette, and a few geographical hints.


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Create a password in this ever-changing, not-so-simple game. You can find some helpful tips in our Password Game guide.



Try to solve a game of Wordle without any help. With each guess, the game reveals as little information as possible, even changing the word if need be.



Released June 12, 2023

Developer(s) The New York Times Company

Publisher(s) The New York Times Company


Platform(s) Web Browser , Mobile
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