A new Pokémon Trading Card Game collaboration with McDonald's has recently begun in the United States, bringing physical Pokémon cards back into Happy Meals everywhere across the country. Known as Dragon's Discovery, this set consists of numerous reprints from previous sets like Sword & Shield and Silver Tempest, though all the cards come with the added bonus of having a special exclusive holofoil pattern that is sure to grab the attention of collectors everywhere.
A lot of these cards are also great for anyone looking for cards to add to their decks for battling purposes. Each card in this McDonald's collab is very useful in its own right, with powerful attacks that are sure to keep opponents on edge if they find themselves unprepared to deal with them. Although all the cards have something different that makes them great, there are particular ones that are especially noteworthy for their sheer strength alone.
Charizard Devastates Opponents When Paired With Leon
Deal More Damage With More Leon Cards
As one of the most iconic Pokémon in the entire long-running franchise, there is no doubt that any iteration of Charizard would be immensely powerful, and this version from Vivid Voltage is certainly strong. Although it only has a singular attack, this attack can deal an incredible amount of damage under the right circumstances. Royal Blaze is an attack that starts out dealing a decent 100 points of damage, but this amount increases by 50 for every Leon card in the player's discard pile, allowing for some potentially devastating attacks later on in the game.
Pokémon TCG Pocket Finally Sold Me On Digital Trading Card Games
Although I've played a lot of trading card games, I've mostly disliked digital ones. Pokémon TCG Pocket changed that thanks to these key qualities.
This card also has the added bonus of allowing the player to draw more cards during their turn. With its Battle Sense ability, the player is able to look at the top three cards of their deck and put one into their hand while discarding the other two. This can ultimately allow the player to potentially find a vital card that's necessary to win the game, whether through reducing the opponent's deck size, healing their Pokémon's health, or in Charizard's case, finding more Leon cards to discard to increase the damage output from Royal Blaze.
Dragapult Deals Immense Damage With Dreepy's Help
Discard Dreepy To Deal More Damage
This Dragapult card originated from the Silver Tempest set back in 2022, and it is certainly a very powerful card under the right circumstances. Its second attack, Spooky Shot, can deal a significant 120 points of damage to opponents for only two energy, allowing players to unleash an attack that would devastate most Basic and Stage 1 Pokémon in just a couple turns. Its decent 150 health points can also be very useful, as it is certain to manage surviving multiple attacks before ever going down.
Where this Dragapult card truly shines, however, is with its first attack, Dragon Launcher. This attack allows the player to discard any number of their benched Dreepy up to how many Pokémon their opponent has in play, before dealing a hundred points of damage to any of the opponent's Pokémon. This single attack requires a lot of planning ahead of time, but can truly be devastating at the right moment, turning the tides of battle in an instant.
Roaring Moon Becomes The Strongest Ancient Card
Discard Ancient Cards To Deal More Damage
It is no secret that Roaring Moon has become one of the most noteworthy cards in the competitive Pokémon TCG scene, and this returning card from the Temporal Forces set is clearly the strongest ancient card in this new set, especially when put into a deck with numerous other ancient Paradox Pokémon. This is thanks to its first attack, Vengeance Fletchling, which initially deals 70 damage, but adds 10 more damage for every ancient card in the player's discard pile. Combined with the immensely powerful Speed Wing attack that deals 120 damage, this card certainly proves itself to be a powerful opponent on the battlefield.
Ultimately, it is quite clear that this collaboration with McDonald's has a lot of great things in store for both collectors and battlers alike. Even if these cards are reprints from other sets, the sheer strength that many of them possess cannot be denied, as they can easily overwhelm opponents with their numerous methods of unleashing immense amounts of damage. Ultimately, this fun collaboration with the Pokémon Trading Card Game is one that shouldn't be missed, especially for anyone who wants to get their hands on a powerful card.
Created by Satoshi Taijiri , Ken Sugimori , Junichi Masuda
Spanning over twenty-five years, Pokemon, known as Pocket Monsters in Japan, is the multimedia franchise created jointly by Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures. Conceptualized by Satoshi Tajiri in association with Ken Sugimori and Junichi Masuda, Pokemon is set in fictional worlds where people live together with tamable creatures known as Pokemon. Humans who catch, raise, and battle the creatures are known as Pokemon Trainers. They head out on extensive journeys across their continents to raise their Pokemon with the ultimate goal of competing in tournaments to become the champion. Pokemon spans several massive properties, from a long-running animated series to a successful trading card game, to the medium that started it all, video games. In addition, Pokemon began the "two-game" trend where two versions of a game would release and include different Pokemon/features between the versions, encouraging players to meet up with others and trade so they could "catch 'em all."