Naoko Takeuchi’s world-famous Sailor Moon series is widely considered one of the most iconic anime of the 90s. The adventures of Serena/Usagi as she battles to protect the universe from the forces of darkness inspired an entire generation of children to fight for what was right. The show was a pioneer in various aspects, like incredible LGBTQ+ representation, strong female leads, and a complete overhaul of the usual Shojo tropes.
One of the innovations that fans do not often consider is the insistence on the series of showing that even the most heinous of villains could be redeemed. The anime series did an amazing job teaching younger audiences that there was good inside everyone. This is a teaching that the original manga did not explore in depth, making the changes in the show that much more special.
Sailor Moon’s 90s Anime Proved Villains Could Be Truly Redeemed
The Show Changed the Fate of Many Excellent Antagonists
Along her journey, Serena encounters some of the strongest and most vile antagonists in her universe. From dark forces trying to destroy all creation to characters who simply enjoy causing pain, Sailor Moon had an amazing roster of villains for the protagonists to fight against. Most of Serena’s battles served as vehicles for life-long lessons that helped millions of fans become outstanding adults. Yet, they also served to prove to audiences that sometimes kindness and compassion were the best solution.
One of the best examples of this is the way Serena saved her future daughter, Sailor Mini Moon, from the dark influence of Wiseman during the Black Moon arc. Due to her young age, Rini was unable to fight against the dark influence of the villainous advisor, turning into an angry, selfish, and resentful version of herself known as the Dark Lady. While her actions were undeniably evil, and she caused a lot of damage to the world, Rini was not to blame.
10 Harsh Realities Of Rewatching Sailor Moon
Despite its cute look and comedic elements, Sailor Moon continues to have some of the harshest realities of any shoujo anime.
Instead of trying to completely defeat her, like would often happen in other anime at the time, the Sailor Guardians did their best to help the girl break from the villain's control. Other redemptions were not influenced by Serena or her friends, but rather by the goodness inside the hearts of the antagonists, as was the case for Nephlite. His love for Naru, the only person he managed to love during his time as a villain, pushed him to betray the Dark Kingdom, even when he knew that doing so would cause his death.
The Anime Went as Far as To Change the Events of the Manga
Many Villains Were Saved From Certain Doom
The original 90s Sailor Moon anime is an amazing adaptation of Takeuchi’s manga, but it was not always loyal to the source material. Villains being redeemed is one of the major changes between the show and the manga, as the animation tried its best to keep alive as many antagonists as possible. Among the most notable examples of these alterations are the Spectre Sisters, a group of elite fighters sent by the Black Moon clan to capture Mini Moon. In the manga, these evil Guardians died tragically after their battle with the heroines.
Sailor Moon’s anime took it upon itself to give these villains a happy ending, which fans greatly appreciated at the time. After Rubeus, the leader of the group, deemed the sisters a burden to his plans, he purified the darkness in their hearts, turning them into normal humans. The girls, free from the evil inside them and with a second chance in front of them, decided to leave their villainous ways behind and instead open a cosmetics shop in Japan. Unlike the manga, they lived beyond the series ending as regular and peaceful humans.
All 10 Strongest Sailor Moon Sailor Guardians, Ranked From Least To Most Powerful
Sailor Moon's Sailor Guardians are 10 women with diverse powers and personalities, but their abilities rank differently in terms of strength.
Another major change between the anime and manga is present in the story of Sailor Galaxia, one of the main antagonists. In the manga, the most powerful Guardian ever allowed herself to be influenced by Chaos, a destructive and ancient force, becoming a corrupted version of herself. In the anime, she was forced to fuse with the elder entity, as she had planned to end herself and Chaos at the same time. The anime gave her a happy ending by having Serena purify her, with Galaxia joining the final battle.
Redeeming Villains Was in Line With Sailor Moon’s Message
Serena’s Journey Is One of Self-Acceptance and Kindness
One of the reasons why the villains being redeemed in the Sailor Moon anime was celebrated by fans is because it fits perfectly with the show’s themes. This beloved series has always been a strong advocate for self-love, helping others, and showing kindness. Serena, often considered one of the best role models in anime, naturally felt the need to help even her worst enemies. Her unconditional kindness is one of the traits that has helped the show remain iconic even decades after its release.
The Anime Somewhat Abuses the Redemption Trope
Many Fans Believe That Not All Villains Should Have Been Saved
Even though viewers praised the original Sailor Moon anime for its decision to give the villains a happy ending, a substantial number of fans believe that this trope was certainly overused. Many of the antagonists Serena battled against were indeed sympathetic and worthy of a second chance, but some truly did not deserve it. For example, most of the members of the sinister Dead Moon Circus had their stories altered to justify giving them a second chance.
In the manga, the leader of this group, Queen Nehelenia, is revealed to be a reincarnation of Chaos, causing destruction and harm simply because she enjoyed it. The anime changed her origins completely, giving her an original backstory in which she was a lonely girl whose isolation turned her into a cruel and heartless person. While not the worst decision, giving such an irredeemable character a tragic past felt forced, an opinion shared by a large part of the fandom.
Sailor Moon is a series that revolutionized the Shojo genre during the 90s, and it continues to be an amazing example of how to successfully approach these tropes. Serena’s adventures will continue inspiring new generations of children to fight for love and justice for many decades to come.
Teenager Usagi Tsukino is an ordinary clumsy schoolgirl until she meets a talking cat named Luna, who transforms her into Sailor Moon, a soldier destined to save Earth from the forces of evil. Usagi must find the moon princess and protect Earth with other girls awakened as Sailor Soldiers. Together, they fight to prevent otherworldly and mystical forces from wreaking havoc, all while balancing the everyday challenges of being a teenager in school.
Release Date March 7, 1992
Creator(s) Naoko Takeuchi
Writers Sukehiro Tomita