Naughty Dog finally unveiled its latest upcoming project during The Game Awards on Thursday night. The new project, titled Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet, will be the fifth series by Naughty Dog, following in the footsteps of other beloved franchises like Crash Bandicoot and The Last of Us. However, Intergalactic is a stark contrast from the studio's most recent ventures in the post-apocalyptic genre, instead promising players the chance to explore the cosmos in this exciting sci-fi romp.
The lengthy announcement trailer for Intergalactic was relatively scarce on major details of the game, especially in regard to gameplay. Nevertheless, there was more than enough for players to get excited over as we learned more about the protagonist and the strange planet where this adventure takes place. In fact, there's plenty of information to be broken down and analyzed while players wait in anticipation for Intergalactic's eventual release.
What's The Story Of Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet?
Players Can Expect A Thrilling Sci-Fi Survival Adventure
Naughty Dog's news page on Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet has given some information on the mission players will take on. Intergalactic will follow the bounty hunter Jordan A. Mun, as she arrives at the planet Sempiria in search of a bounty. The planet is separated from the outside universe, with no communication for centuries, while anyone who's stepped foot on the planet has never made it back out. The description of Sempiria gives players a good idea of the dangers Jordan is likely to encounter, and the challenges she'll need to overcome if she hopes to make it out alive.
The ambition of Intergalactic's story was well-known before the game was even revealed at the Game Awards. During an interview with The New Yorker back in 2023, studio head Neil Druckmann revealed that Intergalactic would be "structured more like a TV show," while revealing that a team of writers had been assembled for the project. This immediately makes Intergalactic's narrative far more tantalizing, and it will certainly cause players' minds to run wild with the nearly endless possibilities of a story on a much larger scale.
Aside from the premise, no other major plot details have been revealed for Intergalactic. On the game's announcement page, Druckmann continues to reiterate the ambitious story, promising that Intergalactic's narrative will live up to the standards that Naughty Dog has cultivated with the likes of Uncharted and The Last of Us. If that is indeed the case, players can expect yet another emotionally-charged story, placing great emphasis on character in the same way that made the studio's previous works so beloved.
Breaking Down The Setting & Characters
There's More To This Mission Than A Simple Bounty
The announcement trailer for Intergalactic gives players a better idea of what to expect from the game's setting and characters. Right off the bat, Jordan immediately captivates the audience with her charisma as she discusses the bounty with her agent. She's presented as a bit of a hot-head, usually committing to whatever she puts her mind to, regardless of the treacherous path ahead. It makes her decision to venture into the clearly dangerous Sempiria less surprising, but her determination shown through the amazing performance by Tati Gabrielle is enough to convince fans to join Jordan on her mission.
A closer look at the trailer hints that there's more to Jordan's mission than it initially seems. Jordan's bounty, named Colin Graves, can be seen in a picture aboard the ship that includes Jordan and a range of other people, hinting at some sort of past connection. It's clear this mission is a personal one for Jordan, further adding to the promise of an emotional and character-driven narrative. Furthermore, the casting of Kumail Nanjiani as Colin and the appearance of other notable actors like Tony Dalton looks to continue the trend of Naughty Dog's stellar casting for its games.
As for the game's setting, not much has been shown of Sempiria, keeping Intergalactic's primary location a mystery. That being said, the trailer placed huge emphasis on Sempiria being a truly dangerous planet. The robot that Jordan goes up against at the end of the trailer should be enough to give players an indication of the kind of threats they'll likely face. The robot's multiple arms and mighty axe help to create a truly intimidating presence and solidifies Sempiria's reputation as a menacing world.
When Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet Might Release
A Release Date Has Not Been Confirmed
With an upcoming project as exciting as Intergalactic, players will be hoping to get their hands on the title as soon as possible. Unfortunately, no details have been revealed regarding when the project will make its way to PlayStation 5. On Naughty Dog's news page, Druckmann confirmed the game has been in development since 2020, meaning that the studio has been hard at work for a few years now. With this in mind, it would be safe to assume that Naughty Dog is a significant way through development, or at least far enough to where the game can be showcased.
Unfortunately, it's no secret that development time continues to lengthen as the demand for new games continues to grow. Naughty Dog are no stranger to longer development times. While Uncharted 4: A Thief's End took over four years from the start of development to release, The Last of Us Part 2 took around seven years from its inception to complete. While there may still be a ways to go, Intergalactic will likely be worth the wait, especially since Naughty Dog has such a high reputation for its titles that the studio will want to maintain with this new entry.
What Will Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet Be Like To Play?
Not Much Gameplay Has Been Shown By Naughty Dog
Naughty Dog is staying tight-lipped on gameplay for Intergalactic at this time, with the announcement trailer being made up almost entirely by cutscenes. However, the short glimpse of gameplay presented at the trailer's end suggests that the studio is placing a huge emphasis on combat. More specifically, Jordan's fight with the robot implies that Intergalactic will focus on melee combat, as the bounty hunter pulls out a large sword before charging towards the enemy.
Of course, there's no way of telling if this is the direction Naughty Dog will be taking. The studio has made some huge promises towards Intergalactic's gameplay, claiming it to be "the deepest gameplay in Naughty Dog's history." It's a huge statement to make, but if true, then Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet could end up being Naughty Dog's most ambitious, engaging and immersive title to date, and a worthy addition to the studio's legendary catalog of games.
Sources: Naughty Dog, The New Yorker, Naughty Dog/YouTube
Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet
Publisher(s) Sony Interactive Entertainment