Every X-Force Team Member In Deadpool 2 Ranked By Power Level

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Deadpool 2


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Deadpool and X-Force in Deadpool 2 Custm image by Richard Craig

Marvel’s iconic X-Force team from Deadpool 2 has a stunning array of powers that were barely depicted. The team's debut mission is comically disastrous, with most of them meeting untimely and gruesome ends almost immediately after jumping out of the plane. While their on-screen performance might have been brief, their powers - or lack thereof - offer an interesting glimpse into what could have been for this ill-fated team.

X-Force, one of Marvel's most formidable and ethically ambiguous superhero teams, has seen various iterations in the comics, often consisting of mutants who take on the more dangerous and morally gray missions that the X-Men shy away from. Characters in Deadpool 2 are hilariously assembled into X-Force by Deadpool to help rescue the young mutant, Firefist. Despite their short-lived appearances, each member of Deadpool’s X-Force has unique powers and abilities, some of which are faithful to their comic book origins, while others are portrayed quite differently.

7 Peter

Played By Rob Delaney

Peter is the most ordinary of the X-Force members, and that's exactly why Deadpool, and by extension, the audience, loves him. Peter is a middle-aged, mustachioed man with no superpowers whatsoever. His sole qualification for joining the X-Force is his enthusiasm and the fact that he answered the ad Deadpool posted.

In Deadpool 2, Peter’s role is minimal but memorable. His lack of powers and combat skills make him a liability, but his eagerness to help his new teammates makes him endearing. Unfortunately, Peter meets a gruesome end when he tries to save Zeitgeist from a wood chipper, only to get splattered with acid vomit, killing him almost instantly. However, Peter is one of only two X-Force members Deadpool later saves through time travel.

This proved essential at the end of Deadpool & Wolverine, where Peter played a vital role despite having absolutely no powers. In the comics, a character like Peter would be considered almost useless in a team as combat-focused as the X-Force. However, his inclusion in Deadpool 2 serves as a humorous counterpoint to the typical superhero team member, and his lack of powers is precisely what makes his death so tragic and funny at the same time.

6 Vanisher

Played By Brad Pitt

Vanisher is the most mysterious character in Deadpool 2’s X-Force, with no real indication he definitely exists until the fateful parachute scene. Vanisher's ability is invisibility, and his appearance is only revealed when he accidentally electrocutes himself on some power lines. His brief role leaves a lot to the imagination, but it’s a clear nod to the character's comic book origins.

In the comics, Vanisher possesses the power of teleportation, making him a far more formidable character. As a mutant, Vanisher has used his teleportation abilities for both criminal and heroic purposes, often working as a thief before becoming a member of various mutant teams. Teleportation is a versatile and powerful ability, allowing Vanisher to escape dangerous situations, infiltrate secure locations, and evade enemies with ease.

However, in Deadpool 2, his powers are downgraded to simple invisibility, which, while useful for stealth, is far less impressive in a combat scenario. If the film had stayed true to his comic book powers, Vanisher could have been an invaluable asset to the team, possibly even surviving the disastrous mission. Considering this, Vanisher ranks low in power level, but his invisibility and comic book potential still place him above Peter on this list.

5 Bedlam

Played By Terry Crews

Bedlam brings a unique power set to the X-Force: the ability to generate bio-electric fields, which can disrupt electronics and even affect the human nervous system. In Deadpool 2, Bedlam barely gets a chance to demonstrate his abilities, ultimately crashing his parachute into a bus. While his powers are not fully featured in Deadpool 2, Bedlam's comic book abilities suggest a greater potential.

In the comics, Bedlam (Jesse Aaronson) has a stronger command of his powers. He can create electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) to disable electronic devices, vehicles, and even other mutants' powers. Additionally, he can generate fields that disrupt the electrical impulses in a person's brain, causing confusion, pain, or unconsciousness. These abilities make him a fearsome opponent, particularly in battles where technology or other mutants are involved.

Unfortunately, Deadpool 2 doesn't give Bedlam much of a chance to shine, and his death is played more for laughs than for any serious impact. However, his powers are still impressive enough to rank him higher than Peter and Vanisher, even if they are underutilized in the film. With more screen time, Bedlam could have been one of the most powerful and useful members of the X-Force.

4 Zeitgeist

Played By Bill Skarsgård

Zeitgeist is one of the more bizarre members of the X-Force, with the power to spew acidic bile that can dissolve anything it touches. In Deadpool 2, Zeitgeist's powers are only demonstrated when he is killed during the team's ill-fated mission. Zeitgeist crashes into a wood chipper, where Peter attempts to rescue him. However, this causes Zeitgeist to cough bile uncontrollably, killing Peter and dooming himself.

In the comics, Zeitgeist (Axel Cluney) is similarly grotesque, with his acid bile being one of the most destructive and unpredictable powers in the mutant arsenal. His acidic vomit can melt through metal, flesh, and other materials, making him extremely dangerous in close combat. However, this power is also highly volatile, where, as seen in Deadpool 2, a lack of control over his abilities can lead to disastrous consequences.

Despite Zeitgeist’s gruesome death in Deadpool 2, his powers are undeniably potent. The ability to dissolve almost anything makes him a significant threat, as Peter learned. However, his lack of control and diverse applications of his powers prevent him from ranking higher. Zeitgeist is certainly formidable, but his power’s limitations and hazards place him firmly in the middle of the X-Force rankings.

3 Shatterstar

Played By Lewis Tan

Shatterstar is one of the more promising members of Deadpool 2’s X-Force. Shatterstar is an alien from the Mojoverse, a dimension where beings are bred for combat and entertainment. Shatterstar is fairly vague about his powers, only saying that he is Deadpool “but better.” However, he is seen demonstrating enhanced agility and impressive swordsmanship.

Shatterstar’s comic book counterpart proffers some clarification. He possesses enhanced strength, speed, agility, and reflexes, as well as a healing factor that allows him to recover quickly from injuries. Shatterstar is also a skilled warrior, trained in various forms of combat, and he wields dual swords with deadly precision. Additionally, in the comics, he has the ability to generate shockwaves and open dimensional portals, making him a valuable asset to any team.

While Deadpool 2 doesn’t fully explore Shatterstar’s abilities, his comic book counterpart is undeniably powerful. The combination of his enhanced physical attributes, healing factor, and combat skills would have made him a key player in the X-Force, had he survived the initial mission. Shatterstar’s high potential, even though it is not realized in the movie, earns him a higher ranking on this list.

2 Domino

Played By Zazie Beetz

Domino is one of the standout characters in Deadpool 2, thanks to her unique and often underrated power: luck. In the movie, Domino’s ability to manipulate probability allows her to effortlessly navigate through dangerous situations, turning potential disasters into opportunities. Whether it’s avoiding deadly obstacles, finding the perfect weapon at the right moment, or just having things fall into place, Domino’s powers in Deadpool 2 are portrayed with a mix of humor and awe, making her one of the most effective members of the X-Force.

In the comics, Domino (Neena Thurman) has a similar power set, with her luck ability often described as subconscious telekinesis that alters probability in her favor. While this might seem like a passive or subtle power, it has wide-ranging applications in both combat and everyday situations. Domino’s luck makes her nearly impossible to hit in a fight, and she has a knack for finding ways out of seemingly impossible situations.

What makes Domino particularly powerful is the endless versatility of her abilities. Unlike other powers that require direct action or physical prowess, Domino’s luck works behind the scenes, ensuring that things go her way without her even needing to try. This makes her an invaluable asset to any team and one of the most powerful members of Deadpool 2’s X-Force.

1 Deadpool

Played By Ryan Reynolds

Deadpool is the heart and soul of Deadpool 2, and also the most powerful member of the X-Force. His most significant power is his healing factor, which makes him effectively immortal. No matter how severe the injury - whether he’s decapitated, blown to pieces, or impaled - Deadpool can regenerate and return to fighting form in a matter of moments. This immortality, coupled with his impressive combat skills, makes Deadpool a nearly unstoppable force.

In addition to his healing factor, Deadpool possesses enhanced strength, agility, and reflexes, all of which make him a formidable opponent in any fight. His combat abilities are further augmented by his mastery of various weapons, from katanas to firearms, and his unpredictability in battle makes him a challenging foe to anticipate. Deadpool’s erratic behavior adds another layer of unpredictability, making him one of the most dangerous characters in the Marvel Universe.

In the comics, Deadpool’s powers and abilities are similarly extensive, and his healing factor is often compared to that of Wolverine. Deadpool’s immortality, combined with his expertise in combat and his unorthodox approach to problem-solving, makes him the most powerful member of the X-Force in Deadpool 2. His ability to survive virtually anything and keep fighting, no matter the odds, places him firmly at the top of the power rankings.

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