All year is “Survivor” season. The CBS reality competition series, which debuted in 2000, has been hosted by Jeff Probst from the start. Each season follows a group of strangers in an isolated location — the show has been based in Fiji since Season 33 in 2016 — as they provide shelter and food for themselves. Competing in both physical and mental challenges, contestants are voted out until one remains as the “Sole Survivor” and the winner of the $1 million cash prize.
The cash reward was upped to $2 million for “Winners at War,” the 40th season of the show that featured, for the first time ever, a cast of all former winners. Season 28 winner Tony Vlachos took home the prize, becoming the second to win two seasons, alongside Sandra Diaz-Twine, who won Season 7 and Season 20.
See a full list of every competitor to win “Survivor” below.
Richard Hatch
“Survivor: Borneo”
Tina Wesson
“Survivor: The Australian Outback”
Ethan Zohn
“Survivor: Africa”
Vecepia Towery
“Survivor: Marquesas”
Brian Heidik
“Survivor: Thailand”
Jenna Morasca
“Survivor: The Amazon”
Sandra Diaz-Twine
“Survivor – Pearl Islands” and “Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains”
Amber Brkich
“Survivor: All-Stars”
Chris Daugherty
“Survivor: Vanuatu”
Tom Westman
“Survivor: Palau”
Danni Boatwright
Survivor: Guatemala
Aras Baskauskas
“Survivor: Panama”
Yul Kwon
“Survivor: Cook Islands”
Earl Cole
“Survivor: Fiji”
Todd Herzog
“Survivor: China”
Parvati Shallow
“Survivor: Micronesia”
Bob Crowley
“Survivor: Gabon”
J.T. Thomas
“Survivor: Tocantins”
Natalie White
“Survivor: Samoa”
Jud “Fabio” Birza
“Survivor: Nicaragua”
“Boston” Rob Mariano
“Survivor: Redemption Island’
Sophie Clarke
“Survivor: South Pacific”
Kim Spradlin
“Survivor: One World”
Denise Stapley
“Survivor: Philippines”
John Cochran
“Survivor: Caramoan”
Tyson Apostol
“Survivor: Caramoan”
Tony Vlachos
“Survivor: Cagayan” and “Survivor: Winners at War”
Natalie Anderson
“Survivor: San Juan del Sur”
Mike Holloway
“Survivor: Worlds Apart”
Jeremy Collins
“Survivor: Cambodia”
Adam Klein
“Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X”
Sarah Lacina
“Survivor: Game Changers”
Ben Driebergen
“Survivor: Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers”
Wendell Holland
“Survivor: Ghost Island”
Nick Wilson
“Survivor: David vs. Goliath”
Chris Underwood
“Survivor: Edge of Extinction”
Tommy Sheehan
“Survivor: Island of Idols”
Erika Casupanan
Season 41, the first season without a subtitle.
Maryanne Oketch
Season 42
Mike Gabler
Season 43
Yamil “Yam Yam” Arocho
Season 44
Dee Valladares
Season 45
Kenzie Petty
Season 46