Big Brother 26 Has a New Alliance in the Making

1 month ago 29

Discussion of the Big Brother Live Feeds are included.

The beauty of a show like Big Brother being presented in real-time is the game can change on a dime. Sure, the televised edit of the show may be able to present the specific story they want to share, but with the Big Brother Live Feeds, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is exposed. There's nowhere to hide. Currently, the game inside the Big Brother 26 house is in flux once again. Almost every single week now, there have been dominating players, but bold moves have caused the extreme power shifts. Once again, a shift is underway as the women of the house are putting alliances to the wayside as they understand they can, should they want to, have complete control until the end of the game.

Big Brother is the hit CBS summer reality show that brings a group of people together and forces them to live inside a house. With cameras and microphones at every corner, nothing goes unheard. Nothing goes unseen. Since 2000, Big Brother has proven how this social game can reflect reality. And, once you think you know what's about to happen, expect the unexpected!

Tucker's Eviction Shifted the Power Again

After a shocking eviction that took out arguably the strongest player of the season, Big Brother 26 has had yet another reset.Tucker Des Lauriers had been the star of the season, but after a poor week as Head of Household, T'Kor Clottey watched him leave on her watch. The blood lays solely on her hands. With Quinn Martin now having an official HoH week, unlike his previous Deep Fake HoH, he is determined to take retribution against his number one enemy’s showmance and the woman who blew up his game weeks earlier. With Rubina Bernbable, Angela Murray, and Kimo Apaka on the block, it seemed Quinn would get his wish. He would knock out Angela as his target, or have one of his rivals knocked out instead. But this is the Big Brother house, as we've said, expect the unexpected.

With the tides continually turning, the loose allegiances have allowed those on opposing sides to find a connection. And what’s more solidifying than forming a women’s alliance? Right under Quinn’s nose, the women found a new bond and a desire to get to the end. T’Kor Clottey was already put off by Quinn's nomination decisions. If he truly respected her and wanted to pay her back for allowing his enemy to leave on her watch, Quinn had multiple people he could have placed on the block. Instead, it was her undoubtedly loyal number one, Kimo Apaka. Rubina Bernabe has been with T’Kor in almost every alliance that they have been part of thus far. T’Kor had gotten closer to Chelsie Baham, keeping her safe the previous week. Chelsie had a connection to Makensy Manbeck as they were both on the outs. And Makensy is tight with Leah Peters as the cool girls who originally aligned with Matt Hardeman in Week 1. So that left Angela Murray, the final piece of the puzzle.

As Live Feeders have already witnessed, Leah and Angela have formed a mother-daughter-type bond. It’s only had a brief moment to be shared on the televised version of the show, but their connection has been close. Closer than many have imagined. So when it was revealed that Leah won this week's Power of Veto, Quinn assumed nothing would happen. Why would she disrupt the status quo? He assumed nothing would happen because 1) why would anyone want to disrupt a perfectly easy week and 2) he flirted with her so they, were tight. Sadly, the latter has allegedly been uncomfortable for Leah, so Quinn's just off the scent there. With this formation of the newfound women’s alliance, it has awakened the game within Leah. As the feeds have revealed, she has used the PoV on Angela, forcing Quinn to replace her with Joseph Rodriguez, which is shocking in itself. Even if Rubina loses the AI Arena, as tough as it may be, the women have the numbers to take out Kimo or Joseph, whoever sits by Rubina's side on eviction night. If the women can prevail, this new alliance can easily dominate the rest of the season.

'Big Brother' Is a Game of Being Adaptable

One thing many Big Brother players don't understand is the necessity of being adaptable. With twists and turns coming at every corner, having the ability to know how to pivot with a new strategy or new ally can be the thing that keeps you in the house one week longer. As proven this season of Big Brother, the players have been forced to adjust their game plans due to major moves being made. Making history, the Power of Veto has now been used every single week. This fact is major. It means that each Head of Household has been upended in some way, shape, or form. However, the usage of the PoV has not always been necessary in the traditional sense of the game. It's to keep things exciting. It's to shake things up. Angela has now been removed from the block twice when there was little need to remove her.

As frequently as the Veto has been used, the more exciting element of the season is how the Head of Household has shifted back and forth from majority to minority alliance. In the early portion of the game, it's historic to see alliances be formed where the majority remains in power week after week, never shaking up the game. This season, this defiance to keep things stagnant has allowed resistance alliances to be formed. And thus, even the smallest moves can shake things up. For Quinn to target some of the women's closest allies, it caused them to create a common connection. And they've acted upon it. They've decided now is the time to form their own resistance alliance. They've put their past differences aside in hopes of taking control. It's a smart move.

By having the power to adapt and not be tethered to early-season alliances, Big Brother 26 has displayed smart gamers eager to find a path to the end. The women know that if they want to win, they have to unite. Oftentimes, on shows like Big Brother and Survivor, many single-gender alliances have tried to form, but doing it early in the season often never pans out. Earlier this season, Kenney Kelley was terrified of the presence of a potential women's alliance. But he was completely wrong. Now that the timing is right, his premonition has come to exist. It's come because it formed naturally out of necessity.

Leah Made a Major Move

Leah pouting on 'Big Brother 26.' Image via CBS

Up until this point, Leah had been a background player. She's not been a target on anyone's radar nor has she been a necessary player in action. She's kept herself safe and has floated. In fact, the only time she's truly been shown is her flipping her tears on a dime. Knowing that using the Power of Veto could solidify herself as a key player in the trajectory of the rest of the season, she finally had a moment to make a big move, and she did. She solidified herself as a key player in this new women's alliance and has officially placed Angela in her back pocket. Angela, who is a bit chaotic and erratic when she's feeling left out thanks to her paranoia, now has a sense of purpose thanks to another player displaying their kindness.

With Tucker Des Lauriers out of the game, it's clear that it's back to being anybody's game. If the women can stick to this new alliance, they have the numbers to run the game to the end. What happens when they become the top six? It's every woman for themselves. By establishing loose bonds at the start of the game, they have managed to find a way to unite that feels natural. On the flip side, the men, unfortunately, don't have the connections. There is no thread uniting them. They might see themselves as needing to rely on one another, but their strength will be out of desperation and not from friendship. Big Brother 26 is about to shine with female empowerment.Keep your eyes on the Live Feeds! New episodes of Big Brother air every Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday on CBS. Big Brother 26 and the Big Brother Live Feeds are available to stream on Paramount+.

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