Awesome Games Done Quick 2025 is in the books, with this year's version of the annual speedrunning event raising over $2.5 million for the Prevent Cancer Foundation. Among the most memorable runs of the weekend--and perhaps one of the most memorable runs in GDQ history--came right before the end, when a player ran through Crazy Taxi on Dreamcast while a live band played the soundtrack behind him.
Runner "chuckles825" completed the Crazy Box mode--a series of individual skill-based trials--while his accompanying band Limiter Cut played the music that the game would normally be playing. This includes the drum-centric menu track, which drummer "The Sound Defense" recreated with every trip back to the Crazy Box menu.
Crazy Taxi features licensed music from The Offspring, which created a legal snafu for the Games Done Quick foundations thanks to copyright laws in the US--namely the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1999. The use of a live band to play the music instead is allowed by the DMCA, and thus the run came to fruition.
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