16 Best Tommy Shelby Quotes in 'Peaky Blinders', Ranked

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Peaky Blinders (2014)


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Cillian Murphy's portrayal of Thomas Shelby, the highly intelligent, cold, and resourceful leader of the Birmingham-based Peaky Blinders, is truly unforgettable. Steven Knight's creation of the entire Shelby family is impressive (though they were based on a street gang of the same name that operated from the 1880s to the 1920s). However, there's no doubt that the three-dimensional writing of Tommy's character has stood out from the bunch and captured the attention of many as the BBC One series rose in popularity throughout the years.

Although Murphy is now an Oscar-winning actor for his astounding performance in Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer, there is no doubt that his efforts in Peaky Blinders are also worthy of critical acclaim and global appreciation, as the character quickly became one of Murphy's most iconic. Among many other noteworthy aspects, what makes Shelby so remarkable and charismatic is his quintessential, defining lines and Murphy's impeccable delivery, which brings us to look back at some of the best Tommy Shelby quotes in the series.

Peaky Blinders Netflix Poster
Peaky Blinders

Release Date September 30, 2014

Seasons 6

Main Genre Crime

17 “I think, Arthur. That’s what I do. I think. So that you don’t have to.”

Season 1, Episode 1

Cillian Murphy as Tommy Shelby in Peaky Blinders Image via Netflix

Considering how cheeky and straightforward Tommy has always been, this one scene in particular where he calls out Arthur (Paul Anderson) during an argument seems quite fitting for the character. It also perfectly encapsulates the dynamics between the two, especially at the beginning of the series.

With this line, Tommy suggests that he is always the one to do the thinking and the decision-making because, despite being the eldest brother, Arthur’s impulsive nature always gets him in trouble. Tommy knows that he is the brains behind the Peaky Blinders — alongside Polly (Helen Mccrory) — and the heavy sense of responsibility he carries on his shoulders is evident, especially considering that other family members don’t share the same burden.

16 “Lies travel faster than the truth.”

Season 1, Episode 3

Cillian Murphy as Tommy Shelby in Peaky Blinders Image via Netflix

This is a straightforward and self-explanatory line that meditates about how false information tends to spread quickly and widely, unlike the truth. It is said in response to Tommy’s long-term friend Danny Whizz-Bang (Samuel Edward-Cook) in the third episode of the first season, after he lets Tommy know that he heard the news of an IRA member being shot by one of the Blinders.

“Lies travel faster than the truth” is a great line because it is accurate and rings true to many different life situations: after all, misinformation gains traction rapidly and spreads like wildfire. Furthermore, it is also a great showcase of Tommy’s realistic approach to the world and highlights how he is always in control of the narrative.

15 “When fortune drops something valuable into your lap, you don’t just dump it on the bank of the cut.”

Season 1, Episode 1

Cillian Murphy as Tommy Shelby leaning against a cabinet in Peaky Blinders Image via Netflix

Said by Tommy after he finds the guns in the first season, this memorable line is an interesting analysis — it highlights the importance of rare opportunities at the right time, inciting people to take full advantage of them instead of simply letting them go. For Thomas, it would be indeed foolish not to grab his chance, especially considering how ambitious he is and that he was further expanding the family business at that time.

Thomas has always made it clear that he is willing to go to great lengths to get what he wants, and this line emphasizes Tommy’s opportunistic side once again. Of course, the character's decision to hold on to the weapons was proven to be the right one in the end.

14 “The only person who could ever kill Tommy Shelby is Tommy Shelby himself.”

Season 6, Episode 6

Cillian Murphy as Tommy Shelby in Peaky Blinders looking in front Image via Netflix

This is a fitting quote for the jaw-dropping last season of Peaky Blinders; one filled with shocking twists, turns, and unexpected revelations. It is said by Tommy himself after realizing that he was not sick, but rather he was made to believe that he was indeed ill with a terminal disease.

Not only does this line highlight Tommy’s self-destructive nature, but it also proves that there is no external force that can outdo the character, suggesting both that he is his own worst enemy and that no one will ever be able to be on his level. All in all, this unforgettable scene is a flawless character analysis that implies that Tommy’s downfall could only be caused by himself.

13 "When you plan something well, there's no need to rush."

Season 2, Episode 6

Tommy Shelby smoking and smirking while standing in an open field in Peaky Blinders Image via BBC One

Tommy Shelby is a man of action. He isn't afraid to get his hands dirty and do what needs to be done. However, he is also quite clinical, adopting a precise approach in each of his plans. This strategy allows him to become the leader of a large criminal enterprise.

This quote is a perfect encapsulation of Tommy's approach to business and crime—which, in his case, are very much the same. Part of his behavior comes from his time as a sergeant major when he experienced the devastation of World War I firsthand. However, Tommy also recognizes the importance of a well-planned strategy, especially in a world where one bad decision can make the difference between "alive" and "dead."

12 "I'm just an extreme example of what a working man can achieve."

Season 4, Episode 4

Tommy Shelby standign proudly and looking ahead in Peaky Blinders Image via BBC One

Although a fearsome and respected criminal, Tommy Shelby might be best described as a man of vision and an entrepreneur. He is ambitious, perhaps too much for his own good, but also visionary. How else could he have built such a powerful, far-reaching criminal enterprise?

At his core, Tommy sees himself as a man of the people, and his loyalty to his class drives many of his actions. He has a point, considering most people have great potential, even if many never get the chance to fully explore it. Tommy is a criminal, but what he achieves is noteworthy and, at times, quite impressive. This quote is surprisingly earnest and unexpectedly cold, implying everyone has the potential for both greatness and ruthlessness—all it takes is a push in the right, or in this case wrong, direction.

11 "The only way to guarantee peace is by making the prospect of war seem hopeless."

Season 3, Episode 2

Tommy Shelby standing under the rain in Season 6 Image via BBC One

As previously mentioned, Tommy lived through the horrors of war, returning home as a changed man. His experiences on the battlefield very much shape his new outlook in life, from an eat-or-be-eaten mindset to the ruthless and to-the-point approach he adopts in business and life.

As many of the best war movies in cinema have proven throughout the years, the battlefield is hell on earth, and such a degree of cruelty and lack of humanity will break anyone. This quote comes from Tommy's deep understanding of the true meaning of war. He knows very few, if any, things compare, and the prospect of war will be enough to make anyone lower their weapons to avoid a greater conflict. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't; the important thing is at least trying.

10 "She's in the past... and the past is not my concern."

Season 1, Episode 6

Cillian Murphy as Tommy Shelby in Peaky Blinders Image via BBC One

One of the most beloved relationships in Peaky Blinders is undoubtedly Grace (Annabelle Wallis) and Tommy's. And considering that their relationship was (spoiler alert) short-lived, any dialogue shared between the two is arguably a treasured moment in the show. One of the most iconic Tommy lines is said during season one's sixth episode when Polly confronts Shelby about what has happened between the two.

This specific Tommy Shelby quote is a rememberable one because it sums up his determined personality while also shedding light on the heartbreaking outcome of his relationship with one of the series' best female characters, Grace (or at least, so audiences thought at the time). Those words still hold so much meaning considering the situation the character was going through and feel on-brand for Shelby.

9 "All religion is a foolish answer to a foolish question."

Season 3, Episode 3

Cillian Murphy as Tommy Shelby in Peaky Blinders looking at the floor. Image via BBC One

This poignant season 3, episode 3 line is pretty much self-explanatory. Tommy showcases his agnostic views on the topic of faith and religion while discussing the supposedly cursed sapphire with Bethany Boswell (Frances Tomelty) in the aftermath of Grace's tragic death.

Bearing in mind that the Peaky Blinder has always been a somewhat skeptical and realistic man, this quote in particular simply makes sense, especially as the character has never really cared about pondering existential questions — not after WWI anyway, where he saw men mercilessly dying in front of him. It's also a great line because it is relatable and may ring true to many audience members who share the same mindset as the Peaky Blinders protagonist.

8 "We just sell different parts of ourselves."

Season 1, Episode 3

Annabelle Wallis as Grace and Cillian Murphy as Thomas Shelby dancing in Peaky Blinders Image via BBC One

Another unforgettable line from the show is directed at Grace when Tommy attempts to convince her to visit Billy Kimber (Charlie Creed-Miles) with him on a business trip and keep the antagonist company. This, of course, incites Grace to question Thomas whether he thinks she's a prostitute. His reply? We all are, "we just sell different parts of ourselves."

This season 1, episode 3 quote has rapidly become a fan favorite — a good deal of praise it receives is thanks to its accuracy and Cillian Murphy's unmatched delivery. While this isn't the best line in the entire series, it still makes for a impactful moment in the show, as well as a memorable Tommy and Grace scene at the very beginning of their relationship.

7 “I don't pay for suits. My suits are on the house or the house burns down."

Season 1, Episode 3

Cillian Murphy as Tommy Shelby with a serious expression in Peaky Blinders. Image by BBC One

Epic is a good word to describe this iconic Tommy Shelby line, which was also delivered during season 3's first episode (and was, too, directed at Tommy's love interest). "My suits are on the house or the house burns down" is a solid example of Tommy being Tommy. The scene occurs in The Garrison when Grace and Tommy meet for the first time and ranks high among the character's most badass moments.

It's not difficult to grasp how this is a peak Tommy Shelby quote, especially taking into account the character's massive self-confidence and arrogance. It also helps that it's a funny, well-delivered line. All things considered, though, Tommy really is a classy fashion icon that manages to sweep everyone off their feet with his vintage chic style.

6 "It's not a good idea to look at Tommy Shelby the wrong way."

Season 1, Episode 2

Cillian Murphy as Tommy Shelby holding a cigarette in Peaky Blinders. Image via BBC One

If we were to pick some bits from Peaky Blinders that perfectly sum up Shelby's personality, this episode 2 moment would, too, be at the top of the list. When the character heads to The Garrison at night to unwind from his troublesome day and finds Grace, the two share a conversation before he asks her to sing a song. This is when he admits that he killed his horse because he looked at him "the wrong way."

Like many other quotes on this list, this line is an example of Tommy's ruthless nature. It's not otherworldly by any means, but it showcases his personality quite well and adds to a brilliant scene in the series. After all, it is thanks to Tommy's heartbreak over the death of his horse that yet another one of the most iconic lines originated: "Already broken."

5 "And there's a woman. Yeah, A woman. Who I love. I got close."

Season 2, Episode 6

Cillian Murphy as Tommy Shelby smoking a cigarette in Peaky Blinders. Image via BBC One

Filled with incredible episodes, season 2 was nothing short of excellent. Among many cherishable lines in the entire show is the monologue Tommy says before he's carted out to an abandoned field and truly believes he's about to die. After enjoying one final cigarette, Tommy is flabbergasted when he realizes one of the assassins shoots the other two and spares his life.

This incredible plot twist is one of the most talked-about and praised scenes in the entire series, and Tommy's monologue helps cement it as a memorable bit. There is no doubt that Shelby has always loved Grace — the moment of reflection in which he looks back at his love for her and admits it out loud just proves her undeniable power over him.

4 "No fighting!"

Season 3, Episode 1

Cillian Murphy as Thomas Shelby, pointing at a man in Peaky Blinders Image via BBC One

While the iconic Tommy Shleby is a feared gangster, he understandably wants family-related matters to go well, especially when they're related to the most important person in his life. After their wedding, Thomas has a meeting in the kitchen with the Peaky Blinders and informs them, in an obvious state of stress, that there should be no fighting, drugs, telling fortunes, and more. This makes sense considering that Grace's family is also at the ceremony.

However, things get interesting (and certainly hilarious) when Tommy pushes a waiter who gets in his way precisely after making it clear to others that there should be "no fighting," making for a truly entertaining comedic moment in the show. It's also a very on-brand scene for the character, as it displays his aggressive personality quite well.

3 "This is just myself, talking to myself, about myself."

Season 4, Episode 6

Cillian Murphy as Tommy Shelby with his arms open in Peaky Blinders. Image via BBC One

In the entire series, Tommy is seen having breakdowns very few times. One of them is during season 4's sixth episode when he begins experiencing PTSD from his time in the war, something that he had previously gone through. When his housekeeper insists that he should see a doctor about it, he assures her that it's just his mind talking to itself, but then begins to drink heavily.

This heartbreaking season finale scene illustrates Tommy at his most vulnerable, and its examination of PTSD and anxiety makes for a very accurate reflection on mental health. What's so great (or not) about this line is its longevity, and how it can even feel relatable to some viewers who may find themselves in similar situations.

2 "I have no limitations."

Season 6, Episode 1

Cillian Murphy as Tommy Shelby with half his face covered in mud in Peaky Blinders. Image via BBC One

One of the most defining and peak Tommy Shelby quotes is "I have no limitations," a line he says in the first episode of the show's last season after he shoots Finn Cole's antagonist and on-screen counterpart, Michael Gray. As one would expect, this results in one of the show's most unexpected, shocking, and overall unmissable moments.

This particular scene highlights the undeniable confidence of Tommy Shelby, a complex, layered, utterly three-dimensional character that audiences can't help but root for. After everything that the crime boss has done, it's clear that Shelby has no limitations. This scene proves that his unpredictability (which even surprises him at times), boundless potential, and self-assuredness are three of his strongest assets.

1 "I'm not God. Not yet."

Season 5, Episode 1

Cillian Murphy as Tommy Shelby pointing a gun at the camera in Peaky Blinders. Image via BBC One

Another line that screams Tommy Shelby also occurs in the first episode, though this time in the 5th season. When he's having a cigarette, the Peaky Blinder is confronted by his little son, a visibly upset Charlie, who exclaims that his father is "not God."

Tommy's confidence is once again highlighted in this unique moment that perfectly describes the character by examining how highly the character thinks of himself, his ambition, and his determination to get what he wants and stop at nothing. It may not be the most talked-about scene in the entire TV show. However, it is still an undeniably distinctive one among Tommy's finest, especially when considering his mind-bending and unexpected final fate.

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NEXT: 'Peaky Blinders' Movie Is Finally on Track to Film This Fall, Says Steven Knight

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