Not a lot has been confirmed for The Witcher 4, but Geralt's voice actor, Doug Cockle, has confirmed that the protagonist of CD Projekt Red's Witcher trilogy will come back in some form for the latest game. With Ciri being the protagonist, it means that his role could be anything from a small cameo, like Letho in Wild Hunt, or a larger mentor role, similar to Vesemir. Although one of The Witcher 3's endings is clearly canon now, with Ciri becoming a Witcher, it isn't as clear as to which of the other choices are also canon.
One of these major choices, which has caused a major debate ever since The Witcher 3's release, is who Geralt should end up with at the end of Wild Hunt. Romance options have always been a popular feature in CD Projekt Red's titles, with Geralt even able to collect cards of romantic partners in the first Witcher title. In The Witcher 3, the main romance debate is between Yennefer and Triss, and it is a hotly contested subject that requires a canonical answer when players get their hands on The Witcher 4.
CD Projekt Red Should Keep Geralt With Yennefer
The Romance That Makes The Most Sense In The Book Series
The debate between Yennefer and Triss seems to stem from whether a fan has read the books or has only played the games, since Triss has a starring role in CD Projekt Red's trilogy, while Yennefer is a big player in the book series. Still, Yennefer feels like the natural choice for Geralt, even in the game series, given how they tend to intellectually spar and challenge each other. Their relationship can be harsh and thorny at times, which is an accurate adaptation of the books, but they seem to like it that way.
Geralt and Yennefer are bound by a wish from a djinn that began in The Last Wish (both the book and the short story), and can be broken in The Witcher 3 quest of the same name.
Blood and Wine's ending also feels more natural with Yennefer, since she mentions that she wants to settle down and essentially retire somewhere once the Wild Hunt has been stopped, and Geralt gives her that place in Toussiant with the Corvo Bianco vineyard estate. With Triss, the place becomes a holiday house, since she works in Kovir after the end of The Witcher 3, but it becomes a proper home with Yennefer. Both she and Geralt get to enjoy a kind of retirement after the game, which they need after all the events from the books and games.
Geralt And Yennefer Are Ciri's Adoptive Parents
Ciri Is Closer To Yennefer Than Triss
With The Witcher 4 making Ciri the protagonist, it makes sense that the canon choices from The Witcher 3 will revolve around what gives CD Projekt Red the best narrative to work with Ciri. Yennefer and Geralt have always effectively been adoptive parents for Ciri, with Yennefer being a mentor for her after she was separated from Geralt in Blood of Elves. This relationship is shown well in The Witcher 3 too, especially with how Geralt and Yennefer eavesdrop on Ciri's conversation with Philippa and Margarita Laux-Antille.
Philippa Eilhart was once in charge of the Lodge of Sorceresses, operating from her castle, Montecalvo. Margarita was also a member of the Lodge.
Yennefer and Geralt's parental status will give CD Projekt Red better narrative options with Ciri as the new protagonist. If she goes to visit the pair, she will go to Toussaint. The Duchy's almost fairytale-like culture and vibrancy will make the player feel like they are coming home, especially if Geralt is still staying in Corvo Bianco. If he was with Triss, Ciri would have to go to Kovir, a region unfamiliar to the player and a place that wouldn't feel like home the same way Corvo Bianco would. With Yennefer, everything feels natural for Ciri to be the protagonist.
Triss's Relationship With Ciri Isn't As Important As Yennefer's
She Is More Like An Older Sister To Witcher 4's Protagonist
Triss isn't a nobody to Ciri. She's an elder sister figure and actually met Ciri before Yennefer did, way back when she spent her first winter in Kaer Morhen; however, they never grew as close as Ciri did with Yennefer. With Geralt being an obvious father figure to Ciri, it makes sense for him to be with Ciri's mother figure, which is Yennefer. This doesn't mean that Triss doesn't deserve to be in The Witcher 4 as well as Geralt, since she is a fan favorite and someone close to Ciri, but she shouldn't be with the White Wolf.
10 Characters We Want To See In The Witcher 4
The massive universe of The Witcher includes a lot of characters, but this set of 10 need to make an appearance during Ciri’s new journey.
Players want different things depending on whether they personally had Geralt in a romance with Yennefer or Triss, but CD Projekt Red should choose the option that makes better narrative sense for the direction it wants to take the series. Yennefer is the better option in this regard, especially taking into account the long history she and Geralt have thanks to the book series, which includes being a parent to Ciri. With Ciri taking the lead in The Witcher 4, Geralt and Yennefer together provide the best narrative platform.