Where to find Katherine in the Castle Kitchen in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

3 hours ago 3

As you progress through the main story quest with Lord Otton von Bergow, you’ll reach a quest called For Victory! where you will enjoy a feast at Trosky Castle. Lord Capon tasks you with getting wine, but doesn’t tell you where to find Katherine in the Castle Kitchen.

Where is Katherine during the For Victory questScreenshot by Destructoid

Where is Katherine during the For Victory quest

One of the side quests for the For Victory! quest tells you to Go into the kitchen for wine to give to Lord Hans Capon for his journey. Unfortunately, if you look all around the castle and specifically the castle kitchen where the quest tells you to look, it turns out Katherine isn’t actually there!

If you’re like me, you might think your quest is bugged. But it’s not! You cannot actually find Katherine at this point in the quest, despite it telling you to do so. Instead, look around in the kitchen for another NPC named Cook Manyeta and ask her where Katherine is. She won’t tell you where Katherine is, but she does offer to give you wine which is what you need for the quest. You’ll find out later where Katherine was. After telling Cook Manyeta you need the wine, she’ll ask if you can open the Herbs chest in the kitchen for her. Keep in mind it’s a medium-difficulty chest and requires a Lockpick to open, so if you don’t have those, don’t accept her quest.

 Deliverance 2Screenshot by Destructoid

Where to find the herbs chest

The Herbs chest is located on the bottom floor of the kitchen, so you may have to go downstairs to reach it. You’ll find it in the back corner of the kitchen on the floor. You’ll need a lockpick of course to attempt to open it, and it is medium difficulty. Successfully opening the chest will give you access to the herbs, which you can then go and tell Cook Manyeta you opened it and she will hand over the wine.

On the other hand, if you fail to unlock the chest and either don’t want to waste more lockpicks, or don’t have anymore, simply return to Cook Manyeta and tell her you can’t open it. She will hand over the Hungarian Wine, but you will lose some reputation for failing to open the chest.

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