Imagine a rip-off of a Liam Neeson revenge movie, created by AI trained on the social media output of Farage fanboys and the kind of people who attacked a paediatrician’s office at the height of the paedophile scare, and you get some idea of the thunderous stupidity of Sunray: Fallen Soldier. This bellicose, blokey British action picture sees former Royal Marine Andy (played by grizzled former Marine Tip Cullen) embarking on a nail-gun, hammer and assault rifle rampage, and meting out retribution to the dealers and drug lords responsible for his daughter’s death. His ex-soldier buddies put aside their collective PTSD and join him for one last mission.
The combat sequences and SUV shootouts are grimly efficient, but the picture is baggily paced, with far too many lengthy scenes of Andy wrestling with his inner turmoil over a sad bowl of cereal in his caravan. And the final twist is patently absurd.
In select UK and Irish cinemas and streaming