Star Wars Outlaws: Should You Let Jadd Keep The List Or Take It?

5 days ago 2

Star Wars Outlaws' focus on open-world gameplay creates a truly immersive Star Wars experience, allowing players to build a narrative that has consequences for actions and real character development. The "Passenger" quest in the game is no exception. This quest allows players to build up a reputation with either Crimson Dawn or Pyke Syndicate, two rival crime syndicates, and has impactful repercussions for whomever the player lets down. There also is a difference in the size of rewards, depending on which syndicate is sided with during gameplay.

The "Passenger" quest involves Vess being sent out to retrieve cargo for the crime syndicate Crimson Dawn, with emphasis on the fact the cargo must not be harmed. The cargo is stolen by pirates before Vess can reach it, but it is also revealed the cargo is a living being. Vess and ND follow the pirate ship and help break out the prisoner, named Jadd, who is very important to Crimson Dawn and has a Pyke Syndicate informant list. Once freed, Vess is presented with a choice about what to do with the informant list.

Allowing Jadd To Keep His Informant List Vs. Stealing It In Star Wars Outlaws

Siding With The Pyke Syndicate Gives Better Rewards

Once Jadd is free, the player will be presented with two options. The first option is to let Jadd keep the Pyke Syndicate informant list. If the player selects this choice, Jadd will decide to go home on his own ship as he is a creature of comfort, while also revealing he is partners with Dart, the Crimson Dawn member who sent Vess on the mission. Vess is awarded with an increase to her reputation with Crimson Dawn and 1000 Credits for spending. This will, however, decrease her reputation with the Pyke Syndicate significantly.

While the Crimson Dawn option is acceptable, the rewards are far more beneficial if the player chooses to side with the Pyke Syndicate. If the player requests the list from Jadd, he will reprimand Vess for betrayal but ultimately give the list over before heading home to Crimson Dawn. Vess will then alert the Pyke Syndicate that she has retrieved the list. The Pyke Syndicate will reward her with an increased reputation with them, though again, this leads to a decreased reputation with Crimson Dawn. However, they will also give Vess a 2000 Credit reward.

The Pyke Syndicate Has The Best Maximum Rewards in Star Wars Outlaws

Imperial Disguise Outfit Set

As with most quests in Star Wars Outlaws, the choice players make firmly depends on the reputation that already exists between Vess and the syndicates. The most logical choice for this particular quest is to side with the Pykes, as the financial benefits are far more significant. Additionally, this is an excellent opportunity for players to boost their reputation with the Pyke Syndicate if needed. While their offer is better than Crimson Dawn’s in this case, they also have a better overall max reputation reward: the Imperial Disguise set.

As Vess is a scoundrel, accessing as many areas as possible is of the utmost importance in the game.

The full set increases a player’s adrenaline, their shooting accuracy, and the ability to restore health. The Imperial Disguise also allows Vess to infiltrate Imperial areas without detection, which can be a huge benefit later in the game. While a disguise is also the reward for maxing out reputation with Crimson Dawn, it has nowhere near the same level of benefits, instead relying on a stun gun recharge to be the ultimate selling point. As Vess is a scoundrel, accessing as many areas as possible is of the utmost importance in the game.

Which Reputation Is Most Important To Maintain Within Star Wars Outlaws Universe

Balancing Every Syndicate's Reputation Is Important

Kay rides her speeder down a dusty path

Picking the Pyke Syndicate could lead to a great maximum benefit. However, it is important to maintain Vess’s reputation with everyone. If, for any reason, Vess’s reputation starts to diminish with any syndicate, it’s important for the player to do what is necessary to build it back up. If the player chooses the Pyke Syndicate for this mission, it is important to pick one of the other syndicates afterward in order to keep up appearances and give Vess as much access as possible to the different syndicates.

The "Passenger" quest is a perfect example of finding that balance between working with syndicates, as many other quests within the game allow the player to choose another syndicate over the Pykes without suffering a reputation loss. The benefits of siding with the Pyke Syndicate on this quest far outweigh the benefits of siding with Crimson Dawn, so it would be best to pick them. However, if the player has a very low reputation with Crimson Dawn and a high reputation with the Pyke Syndicate, it could be better to side with Crimson Dawn in this case to boost it.

If the reputation can afford to take a hit, the player should take it to try and maintain a good reputation with as many syndicates as possible. Star Wars Outlaws puts the player's success in the player's hands, and maintaining and building up reputation is the best way to succeed. While the benefits of picking the Pyke Syndicate for the Passenger quest are better than Crimson Dawn, the player should always prioritize reputation above all else. Any cool reward can still be earned, so long as players are willing to invest the time helping each individual syndicate in Star Wars Outlaws.


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