Directed by Michael Gracey, Better Man explores the life and career of singer Robbie Williams through his own eyes. English pop star Robbie Williams is known for being part of the group Take That as well as his hit solo singles including "Rock DJ" and "Millennium." This is not just a normal biopic, however, as Williams will be presented as a CGI monkey. Jonno Davies does the voice and performance capture for Robbie Williams.
Director Michael Gracey has an exceptional background in VFX, which certainly must have come in handy while working on Better Man. Gracey also directed The Greatest Showman and produced Rocketman, proving that he has a love for musical films. Robbie Williams provides the voiceover of himself, while Davies provides the voice of his younger self. Better Man is currently playing in limited theaters, but opens to a wider around the country on January 10.
Better Man Review: Robbie Williams As A CG Chimp Is The Strangest, Most Brilliant Biopic Decision I Didn't Know I Needed
The film is a visual spectacle and there's heart at the core of the story, making for a balanced dive into Robbie Williams' rise to pop stardom.
ScreenRant interviewed Director Michael Gracey and Robbie Williams to discuss Better Man and why Williams is portrayed as a monkey. Gracey revealed how his extensive background in VFX helped him with his vision for the film. Williams also got raw and emotional about who in his life he did not want to see the movie.
A Monkey Was Not The First Animal Robbie Williams Suggested For Better Man
"I pitched him the idea, and literally, Rob couldn't have been more on board."
Screen Rant: Why a monkey?
Michael Gracey: Look to me, I just wanted to find a way of lensing it in a unique way. I asked Rob, if he was to be an animal, how he would see himself, to which he said..
Robbie Williams: Lion. Which he went, "Are you, though?" And I went, "...Monkey." And he went, "Yeah."
Michael Gracey: I pitched him the idea, and literally, Rob couldn't have been more on board.
Robbie Williams: It was straight away. But I said, after the film was made, "Why didn't you just come in and say, here's the idea. Why did you go through the charade of asking me what my spirit animal was?" And he said, "Well, I've come to find that when you work with stars, that whatever the idea is, it has to be their idea." So this is my idea.
Michale Gracey's Background In VFX Gave Him Confidence In The Film
"Working with Wētā, it's the best of the best."
Screen Rant: Michael, with your extensive VFX background, how did that help? I imagine it helped tremendously.
Michael Gracey: It meant that I was super confident about that aspect of the film. There's many aspects of the film, having made a film that I was like, I need to get a lot better at these things, but visual effects and animation, I feel so comfortable in that world.
Also working with Wētā, it's the best of the best. So the team that they put together on this film, and the passion that those artists had, it's some of the best work I've ever seen in terms of the world of visual effects. And for me, it was just a thrill.
Robbie Williams Is "Live Reporting" From Inside His Head All The Time
"You're not supposed to say all of these things about yourself."
Screen Rant: I love how vulnerable you get in this. You really put it all out there, the good, the bad, the ugly, everything is there anything about that that scared you?
Robbie Williams: No, not really. What I've found unusual, is how unusual people find it that I'm willing to go, hey, here my hemorrhoids. You know. I guess I exist on the spectrum somewhere where I don't pick up the cues, where you're not supposed to say all of these things about yourself, but I am live reporting from inside of my head at all times. This is what's going on, and this is what I'm finding out about myself. Please help me figure this out.
Robbie Williams Does Not Want His Dad To See Better Man, But Is Thankful For What The Film Did For His Relationship With Nicole Appleton
"What's happened with Nic is a whole bunch of healing for me and for her."
Screen Rant: Is there anyone in your life you were nervous for them to see the film? Maybe your dad or Nicole?
Robbie Williams: Dad. I still don't want him to see it.
Screen Rant: Do you think he will?
Robbie Williams: I hope he doesn't. I hope he doesn't. Because, you know, this is the movie told through my mom's eyes. It's my mom's version of my dad, and it's more cinematic than the version of my dad and my mom told through my dad's eyes.
Michael Gracey: You mentioned Nicole.
Robbie Williams: Nicole is the best. So I wasn't worried, because from the beginning, we went, Hey, Nic, come into this. What's happened with Nic is a whole bunch of healing for me and for her. And you know, that aspect of this movie alone has been incredible. I love her. She loves me. And that feels good.
More About Better Man (2024)
Better Man is based on the true story of the meteoric rise, dramatic fall, and remarkable resurgence of British pop superstar Robbie Williams, one of the greatest entertainers of all time. Under the visionary direction of Michael Gracey (The Greatest Showman), the film is uniquely told from Williams’ perspective, capturing his signature wit and indomitable spirit. It follows Robbie’s journey from childhood, to being the youngest member of chart-topping boyband Take That, through to his unparalleled achievements as a record-breaking solo artist – all the while confronting the challenges that stratospheric fame and success can bring.
Check out our other Better Man interviews here:
Better Man is playing in select theaters now and releases wide on January 10.
Source: Screen Rant Plus
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Directed by Michael Gracey, Better Man explores the life and career of singer Robbie Williams through his own eyes.
Release Date December 25, 2024
Main Genre Biography
Director Michael Gracey
Writers Michael Gracey , Oliver Cole , Simon Gleeson
Studio(s) Footloose Productions , Zero Gravity Management , Jumpy Cow Pictures , Showman , Rocket Science
Distributor(s) Roadshow Films