Peter Pan's Neverland Nightmare: Wendy embarks on a perilous journey to rescue her brother, Michael, who has been taken by Peter Pan to the mysterious and dangerous realm of Neverland. As she navigates this strange world, Wendy faces unexpected challenges and discovers new alliances, all while confronting the darker aspects of Peter's domain.
Release Date February 24, 2025
Director Scott Chambers
Cast Martin Portlock , Megan Plactio , Peter DeSouza-Feighoney , Charity Kase , Teresa Banham , Kit Green , Jenny Miller , Nicholas Woodeson , Jay Robertson , Campbell Wallace , Chrissie Wunna , Belinda Fenty , Kierston Wareing , Charlotte Coleman , Frederick Dallaway , Jamie Robertson , Riccardo Carmelita , Adam Speers , Kelly Rian Sanson , Lucas Allermann , Ardy Yusuf , Evelyn Morris , Myles Perry , Rhys Frake-Waterfield , Lewis Santer , Dan Allen , Scott Chambers
Runtime 87 Minutes
Character(s) Peter Pan , Wendy Darling , Michael Darling , Captain James Hook , Mary Darling , Tinkerbell , Pirate - Vivienne , Steven , Cake Creature , John Darling , Receptionist , Mel , Roxy , Dina , Timmy , Officer Daughtry , School Boy , Bus Driver , Mia , James , Joey , Circus Kid , Pooh , Tigger , Bambi , Christopher Robin
Writers Scott Chambers , Rhys Frake-Waterfield , J.M. Barrie
Studio(s) Jagged Edge Productions
Distributor(s) ITN Distribution