Mario & Luigi: Brothership - How To Solve The Slippenglide Island Ice Block Puzzle

1 week ago 5

Slippenglide Island is a place where moving can be difficult in Mario & Luigi: Brothership, but the only way to go forward here is to solve a puzzle involving some ice blocks. This RPG adventure can sometimes lead to unique challenges involving the environment. However, with Mario or Luigi's trusty hammer, you can manipulate the landscapes you find yourself in to reveal new paths.

As you explore Slippenglide Island, you may notice some octagon-shaped ice platforms you can jump on. These platforms eventually break when jumped on too many times, so be careful to navigate areas based on this limitation. This gameplay in M&L: Brothership is on display in the prominent ice block puzzle of this region, where it must be interacted with when you try to find a solution.

Slippenglide Island Ice Block Puzzle Solution In Mario & Luigi: Brothership

Create An Icy Bridge To Leave The Cave

 Brothership ice block falling in water to form bridge during Slippenglide Island ice block puzzle

The Ice Block puzzle on Slippenglide Island is inside a massive cave, where you have to knock a cube of ice out of the way to enter. As soon as you enter, knock the biggest ice block you see to the left with your hammer. This will cause it to drop into the water where you can see an exclamation point (!) block.

Mario and Luigi on a colorful background in Mario & Luigi Brothership


Mario & Luigi: Brothership Could Be The RPG Revival The Franchise Has Sorely Needed

Mario RPGs haven't always been consistent, but Brothership provides a big opportunity to finish the recent process of righting the course.

Your goal for this puzzle is to knock down two more blocks into this stretch of water to form a bridge, which will lead the brothers in M&L: Brothership out of the icy cave. Head up the stairs to the right of where the first ice block was in the cave to continue. From this point onward, follow these steps to solve the puzzle:

How To Move The First Ice Block

Mario & Luigi Brothership Mario hitting ice block with hammer during Slippenglide Island ice block puzzle

As you climb up the stairs, have Luigi stay next to the yellow and blue square on the way up. Hitting this square moves a floating yellow platform Mario can stay on to reach a deeper part of the cave. Cross the breakable ice platforms without falling to reach a second yellow square platform that Luigi can move again, but you want to refrain from moving the platform for now.

Jump across the yellow platform, then knock down the larger ice block onto the ice below. Get directly behind this ice block and knock it in a southern direction to the other end of the cave. When it stops against a large pillar of ice, get to the block's right side and hit it to the left, where it will stop again on a nearby pillar.

To watch a visual guide showing all the steps you need to follow to solve this puzzle, check out the video below by YouTube creator Jumpycode !

From here, get under the block and strike it north into an immediate pillar. Go to the block's right and hit it left again from this point, then get above it and hit it straight down. This will put it exactly on the stretch of ice where the very first block was located. One more strike from the block's right side will slide it left and into the water to continue forming the bridge.

How To Move The Second Ice Block

Mario & Luigi Brothership Mario using yellow gate to stop ice block during Slippenglide ice block puzzle

Hit the exclamation point (!) block on the ice block bridge you just formed to reveal more platforms in the cave. This will help you reach the final ice block with Luigi's assistance, as he should remain next to the yellow and blue square at this point. Go back up the stairs and travel across the platforms until you can reach the pillar where the last ice block can be found.

The last ice block, once on the ground, should be hit from its left side to the right so it stops against the lower of two ice pillars. When in this position, knock the ice block down from its upper side to have it move slightly south. When it stops, have Luigi strike the square to move some yellow gates out of the way. The moment the one below the ice block moves past it, hit the block from the right side so it moves left.

With the right timing, this should cause the block to move across the cave to another pillar right before a drop leading to a bed of spikes. Have Luigi hit the square again to move the yellow gates back into position, then hit the block downward so that it stops against one of these obstacles. Now, hit the block to the right and up to quickly move it against two more pillars guiding it in the right direction.

Your next step is to have Luigi hit the square again and quickly hit the ice block to the right as this happens. You need to time this strike so that the ice block stops one space above the pillar the yellow gate was in front of. Doing this will put the ice block in the perfect spot to be struck downward one more time and onto the path where you started.

One final push to the left will cause the final ice block to complete the bridge needed to exit the cave. Progression is your biggest reward for solving the ice block puzzle on Slippenglide Island in Mario & Luigi: Brothership as you take more steps to the game's final boss and ending.

Source: Jumpycode/YouTube

Mario & Luigi Brothership Tag Page Cover Art

Franchise Mario & Luigi

Released November 7, 2024

Developer(s) Acquire

Publisher(s) Nintendo

ESRB E For Everyone Due To Mild Fantasy Violence

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