Its Been 4 Years Since This Comedy Show Ended, But The Main Characters Redemption Arc Still Amazes Me

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The Good Place aired its final episode in 2020, and I'm certain the sitcom still has one of the best character redemption arcs on television. The show revolves around Eleanor Shellstrop, a selfish character who wakes up in "the Good Place" after she dies. She assumes it must have been a mistake, as she was a terrible person during her time on Earth. This is why she enlists Chidi, a professor of ethical philosophy, to teach her how to become a good person who is worthy of remaining in the Good Place.

Of course, The Good Place's iconic twist is that none of the characters are in the titular version of heaven. Despite this revelation, Eleanor's season 1 journey makes her want to change for the better. Her path to redemption and self-realization is incredibly compelling, especially after flashbacks show just how terrible Eleanor used to be. In the end, she turns it around and is even responsible for saving humanity and their souls in the afterlife. This character's redemption is done so gradually and perfectly that it is one of the best character redemption stories on TV.

The Good Place's Eleanor Was A Terrible Person During Her Life

She Was Obnoxious And Self-Centered

When she was alive, Eleanor was an awful person. She didn't cross any major lines, like murder, but she did live an unethical life. Eleanor worked for a company that sold placebo pills to elderly people, she would insult people who were raising money for charity, and she would always drink alcohol when she said she would be the designated driver for the night. Eleanor didn't do a single thing to help another person when she was alive. She lived a life where she selfishly looked out for herself.

Many of Eleanor's actions stem from her upbringing, which The Good Place eventually digs into.

Many of Eleanor's actions stem from her upbringing, which The Good Place eventually digs into. She was always left home alone and treated as second best to her mother's new boyfriends. Her mother even showed up to her father's funeral drunk. This didn't set a good example for Eleanor. It could be argued that it was the only way Eleanor was taught to live her life, so she followed in her mother's footsteps. That being said, Eleanor had the free will to act however she wanted. And although she never took advantage of this on Earth, she managed to in the afterlife.

Eleanor Built Strong Bonds In The Good Place's Afterlife

Eleanor Had Closer Friendships In The Afterlife Than When She Was Alive

When Eleanor realizes she shouldn't be in the Good Place, she quickly forms a bond with Chidi, especially as he teaches her to become a better person. As the series progresses and all four main characters realize that they are in the Bad Place, the four of them build a close bond. They even work together to find a way to get to the real Good Place by the end of the sitcom. This is a large part of the reason Eleanor gradually manages to change: she has support in the afterlife that she never had on Earth.

Eleanor connects to her new friends for different reasons, with Jason feeling the most similar to the person she once was in her former life. Tahani serves as someone she can talk to, and Janet actually wants to see the gang succeed. Michael is a father figure to her, which likely helps heal some of Eleanor's wounds from childhood. And in addition to being a romantic interest, Chidi gives Eleanor someone to look up to and aspire to be like. All of them affect her in different ways, and they all help Eleanor become the changed character we see at the end of The Good Place.

Eleanor’s The Good Place Ending Proved She Completely Changed

By The End Of The Series, Eleanor Was A Much Better Person

Eleanor, Chidi, and Tahan in The Good Place season 1 finale

At the end of the series, Eleanor and her friends have successfully changed the system of the afterlife, making it fairer and easier for people to get to. Eleanor's desire to help people proved how much she had changed. She was no longer a selfish person, and she cared deeply about her friends and the people around her. She even showcased sadness when Jason and Chidi decided to move on and give their essence back to the universe.

The old Eleanor would have begged Chidi to stay for her own selfish reasons, but her redemption story allowed her to let him go.

Although she finally ended up in a relationship with Chidi, the fact that Eleanor was willing to let him move on after he was tired of the afterlife further emphasized how much she had changed. The old Eleanor would have begged Chidi to stay for her own selfish reasons, but her redemption story allowed her to let him go. The fact that Eleanor's journey took her from one extreme to the other — while remaining a pretty subtle part of the series — allowed The Good Place to deliver one of the best redemption stories I've ever seen.

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