I See Ways The Below Deck Franchise Can Improve Its Viewership & Engagement (Including With A Fresh Spinoff)

1 week ago 8

As an avid Below Deck franchise fan and expert on the show, I see ways the network can improve engagement and viewership, including with a new spinoff. The OG Below Deck show premiered in 2014, with Below Deck season 12 poised to drop in 2025. Below Deck Med was the first spinoff, debuting in 2016 with nine seasons behind it. Below Deck Sailing Yacht is the third show under the Below Deck umbrella, with BDSY season 5 currently airing. Below Deck Adventure, which was a one and done season, came next, followed by Below Deck Down Under, which will air its third season in 2025.

The Below Deck franchise has become a powerhouse reality TV network over the last decade, and there is no end in sight for the Bravo hit. Many memorable and highly talked about cast members have come through the franchise. Kate Chastain, Gary King, Captain Lee Rosbach, and Chef Rachel Hargrove are a few big names who got their start on the show and have now become celebrities. With such a big reach and so many quality cast members, I'm certain the Below Deck can take itself to new heights with a few changes and additions.

Below Deck Should Replace Captain Glenn

He's Not As Entertaining As The Other Captains

One of the top changes I think Bravo network needs to make in order to enhance its value is to replace Below Deck Deck Sailing Yacht's Captain Glenn Sephard. While I've seen Glenn provide comedic relief and assert his authority in several situations, he does not have the charisma and telegenic qualities of the other Below Deck captains.

I don't think Captain Glenn has a big personality, and his hands-off management style often makes him go unnoticed.

Compared to the other captains' likability, entertaining decision-making, and dynamics with their crew members, Captain Glenn falls short. I'm positive replacing him with a different captain would give the spinoff the fresh quality it needs to come back from its poor reception due to Gary King's on and off camera behavior and viewers' negative reactions to that. BDSY needs to reengage viewers after its Gary King scandals, and Captain Glenn's close relationship and public support of Gary isn't doing the show any favors. Getting a new captain on the spinoff would help viewership.

Below Deck Needs An All-Star Spinoff

There's So Many Quality Cast To Choose From

Another huge idea I think would transform the franchise and add more allure would be for the Below Deck network to add an all-star spinoff. Putting together the biggest or most contentious names in the franchise in the same beloved superyacht charter season setting I feel would be a very fun show to watch. With egos clashing, working styles differing, and departmental drama sure to occur, an all-star spinoff would be highly regarded by fans. With so many fan faces to choose from, I think it's obvious that a spinoff of this nature would draw in viewers and leave a lasting impression.

I know an all-star spinoff would mean some experienced cast members would have to take lower positions, which will no doubt cause interdepartmental grappling for authority. Some of the more green and popular cast from seasons past, like Zee Dempers, would make great additions, as they have not appeared in the franchise past one season. Given that a returning all-star cast knows what to expect from their peers and out of a charter season, I'm certain the drama and its quality will be elevated.

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Below Deck Should Return To Southeast Asia

Thailand Was Highlighted In Season 7

Bravo's Below Deck franchise should also explore more parts of the world, specially Southeast Asia. Only one season, Below Deck season 7, took place in Southeast Asia, specifially in Thailand, and the franchise has not returned to that part of the world since. These days, the shows take place mostly between the Mediterranean and the Caribbean, with only Below Deck Down Under exploring Australia, and that's only a specific region of Australia.

I think expanding the locales the show's visit would be refreshing after years of the same places being highlighted. I thought the Below Deck season in Thailand was interesting because the landscape was different, and the crew was able to have nights out in Phuket and try different cuisine. If the Below Deck franchise expands into different areas of the world, the potential for even more spinoffs is possible as well. With the additions of an all-star cast season, the relacing of Captain Glenn, and a location expansion, I'm positive the franchise could have increased viewership and engagement.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht airs Mondays at 9 p.m. EST on Bravo.

Source: Bravo/YouTube

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Below Deck

Below Deck is a popular reality TV franchise that focuses on a group of crew members as they work on luxurious yachts and cater to their client's needs. After the original series proved to be a success, Bravo developed a handful of spinoff shows including Below Deck Selling Yacht, Below Deck Adventure, Below Deck Down Under, and Below Deck Mediterranean.

Created by Mark Cronin , Rebecca Taylor Henning , Doug Henning

Cast Kate Chastain , Gary King , Mads Herrera , Daisy Kelliher , Colin Macrae , Aesha Scott , Lexi Wilson , Glenn Shephard , Jason Chambers , Marcos Spaziani , Sandy Yawn
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