How To Get Rich Quick In Star Wars Outlaws

1 month ago 13
Approaching a Sabacc table for a game of cards.

Screenshot: Ubisoft / Kotaku

Star Wars Outlaws has all manner of forms of tender in its galaxy-spanning worlds, where bartering is more often used than currency. However, credits play a role when it comes to the really big spends (and are deducted when you die and restart at a checkpoint). We’re talking about significant purchases, upgrades to your spaceship, crafting resources to improve your blaster, etc. Who knew that living the life of a thief in the criminal underbelly would prove so costly? But worry not, we’ll get you flush.

As a savvy entrepreneur with a keen eye for items to steal and deals to make, Kay Vess can easily make buckets of credits in the game. Here’s how to get rich in Star Wars Outlaws!

How to earn fast credits in Star Wars Outlaws

In order to make the most of these tips and tricks for earning credits in Star Wars Outlaws, you should progress far enough into the main story to complete False Flag. It’s a very early main quest in Jaunta’s Hope that will teach you the ropes of space travel, and in doing so, it unlocks greater exploration, unique side quests, and various points of interest that ooze loot potential!

Sitting at the Sabacc table.

Screenshot: Ubisoft / Kotaku

While not the most immediately accessible card game within a video game, the excellent Sabacc does offer you the opportunity to earn quite a few credits once you get the hang of its splendid mechanics.

The game has a comprehensive guide to how to play, and in your first game it’ll teach you the ropes as you go. But overall, your aim is to obtain two pairs with the lowest denominator, besting your opponents, and there are all sorts of legitimate means to manipulate your hand, and some...less so. You have access to trickery to help you win, including the ability to cheat by using Nix to spy on opponents’ hands, should you find yourself on the losing end of a round. At the end of the game, if you win, you’ll score hundreds of credits and a valuable item that you can sell for additional credits at a nearby merchant!

The Contracts screen.

Screenshot: Ubisoft / Kotaku

Get through False Flag and you’ll unlock contacts from within the underworld. Your first, Danka, opens the door. She’s a Broker and—like the many others you’ll meet along your adventure—she’ll offer Syndicate contracts that pay upon completion.

Many of these contracts prove exceptionally simple. They’re delivery or pick-up missions and pay a few hundred credits apiece. However, some will offer you significantly more credits for more complex and harrowing jobs, while others will provide upgrade materials for your blaster, speeder, or spaceship.

A Pyke stockroom in the wilds.

Screenshot: Ubisoft / Kotaku

While out and about the world, keep your head on a swivel. It’s easy to miss the various points of interest as you zoom by on your speeder bike, but just off the main roads you’ll find numerous lucrative hideouts. For example, out by Jaunta’s Hope, there’s a Pyke Stockroom.

Now, your faction reputation does come into play here. If the Pykes are satisfied with you up to this point, you can sometimes walk past the guards unhindered. Other times, however, you must sneak through a rear entrance, and play it all very quiet. You are stealing from them, after all!

Similar to the Stockrooms, you’ll encounter world events out in the wild that pay exceptionally well should you participate and complete the objectives. They often provide valuables you can sell, but many entail running from the Imperials or pirates.

Oh, and when you get to a trader and see the “Sell all Valuables” option on the screen, don’t worry! As much as this reads like you’re going to unload everything you need, it’s the game’s extremely confusing way of letting you sell everything that doesn’t have any use beyond its monetary value.

Star Wars Outlaws provides countless opportunities to earn credits, so long as you don’t mind getting your hands dirty in the seedy underbelly of its many planets. Don’t shy away from a job; you never know what will pay well!


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