How To Get Fallout 76's Toughest Quest Weapon, V63 Zweihaender

1 month ago 16

Fallout 76’s recent update Skyline Valley brought with it more than just insane weather and new types of Scorched to contend with; it also introduced numerous Legendary weapons. Some of these prove relatively simple to obtain, others, not so much. Zweihaender falls into the latter camp. Hopefully, you have a large stock of Stimpaks!

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Here is how to get Zweihaender in Fallout 76!

Where to get Zweihaender

Like a handful of the other weapons in Skyline Valley, such as Shattered Grounds, Zweihaender is a guaranteed drop upon finishing the zone’s storyline. It’s the most challenging guaranteed legendary drop to acquire, primarily due to Hugo Stolz.

To acquire this unique two-handed melee weapon, you must complete The Eye of the Storm, which wraps up the entire storyline of Vault 63 and the Lost in Skyline Valley. It’s a multi-part quest that involves fighting small waves of Lost between laser barriers before culminating in one of the game’s most challenging boss fights.

You’ll have a new two-handed Legendary melee weapon when all is said and done!

How to defeat Hugo Stolz

Say hello to Hugo.

Screenshot: Bethesda / Kotaku

While Fallout 76 features a handful of unique and challenging bosses, few compare to Hugo Stolz. He’s downright annoying without the proper build or preparation. But hey, that’s why you have us to help you!

Hugo’s boss fight occurs over three phases. During each phase, his abilities or equipment changes, and he spawns Lost to help aid him in his fight against you. They’re annoying but beatable. Here’s how to accomplish this heroic feat:

  • Focus on his minions first; take them down quickly. They’ll pester and annoy you from the flanks if you focus all your efforts on Hugo. You have a small window upon clearing out the Lost before Hugo summons more, so use the time wisely to deal as much damage as possible to Hugo before reinforcements arrive.
  • To successfully deal said damage, bring along the proper equipment. I chose to equip myself with a Furious Gatling Laser. Furious was the critical component here, as it deals +5 percent damage after each consecutive hit on the target, up to a max of +45 percent. It quickly drained his health. Psychotats certainly helped, too!
  • Some players recommend bringing along Holy Fire, which comes equipped with Vampire’s, which restores two percent health when you hit enemies, and Rapid, which increases attack speed, synergizing with Vampire’s.

At the end of the fight, you must decide Hugo’s fate. You can leave him to his devices, arrest him, or kill him. Whatever you choose, you’ll complete the quest and receive Zweihaender!

Zweihaender stats

Stats for the Zweihaender.

Screenshot: Bethesda / Kotaku

As a Slugger, you’ll find the Zweihaender is a competent two-handed melee weapon that’s, unfortunately, often out-classed by the Super Sledge or other legendary melee weapons in the game. Still, it’s a viable weapon in the right hands.

  • Type: Melee
  • Class: Two-Handed
  • Level: 30/40/50
  • Damage: 65/75/85
  • Speed: Slow
  • AP Cost: 45
  • Value: 567 Caps
  • Weight: 15

While its damage could use a significant buff, you can accomplish this feat with Slugger or Bloody Mess. We recommend using either Perk if you intend to wield Zweihaender as a primary weapon.

Legendary Affixes

  • Executioners: +50 percent damage when your enemy falls below 40 percent health.
  • Power Attack Damage: +40 percent power attack damage.
  • Cavalier’s Take: Take -40 percent less damage while using a power attack.

Zweihaender may not be the most powerful melee weapon in the game, but it’s undoubtedly one of the coolest with its energy blade. Plus, you worked hard to score this unique Legendary weapon in Skyline Valley, so give it a test run against the Lost!


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