Free unofficial open world Superman game Undefeated gets a PC update with heat vision alongside a surprise PS5 launch

1 month ago 7

No shades of grey, just black sunshades and punching

A man in black with sunglasses doing all kinds of midair mayhem in a city in Undefeated Image credit: 2 Aug, 2019 UNDEFEATED Games / Indie-us Games

Sometimes we play video games to plunder the silty depths of our emotions, sometimes we play them to sharpen our wits and try the alchemy of engrossing systems, sometimes we play them to mud-wrestle with questions of power and responsibility, and sometimes we just want to wear cool sunglasses, have big arms, and fly around hitting stuff very hard.

Undefeated is a free open world homage to Superman and superheroes at large, created by three students from Vantan Game Academy, Osaka. Released on Steam in 2019, it's just received a chunky-ish update alongside a surprise launch on PS5.

If you missed it back in 2019, here's the Steam store page, and here's a quick list of things you can do in Undefeated:

- Fly real fast with streaky lines and break the sound barrier

- Do a superhero one-knee landing

- Ricochet between big mechy things, punching them

- Lift up big rocks

- Put out fires by clapping your hands (you don't have a copyright on the concept of wind, Dr Banner!)

- Do QTE counters on supervillains, then combo them like in Dragon Ball

- Chop your hands to do energy attacks while strafing

- Pose magnificently while soldiers shoot their wimpy little bullets at you

- Fly through hoops, Superman's greatest nemesis

- Rank up and get new powers, a bit

As of the update, it looks like you can also do heat rays from your eyes. There's also a new map event to experience, possibly related to those heat rays. Undefeated Man might have all the visual flavour and idiosyncracy of the square hole, but he certainly has a few tricks up his sleeve. On the technical side, the update adds support for 4K resolution (3840x2160) and WQHD resolution (2560x1440).

I doubt Undefeated will keep you occupied for longer than, oh, let's say 10 minutes, but it's well-made for what it is, and importantly, doesn't pretend to be anything more. Those who pine for noughties superpower fantasies like Prototype might get a real kick out of it. Also, people who pine for an actually decent official Superman game, which will absolutely never happen. Sorry, Clarkies and Kenters, but this particular comicbook property is clearly cursed. The best we'll ever get is Injustice.

The developers are working on a paid sequel, Undefeated: Genesis, which transports the proceedings to a big alien world full of mutants. In a scandalous flourish, the new incarnation of the protagonist has a spiky fringe and doesn't wear sunglasses. Beyond that, it looks a bit like an early prototype for BioWare's Anthem.

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