Junji Ito, the renowned Japanese horror manga artist known for his iconic series Uzumaki, has entered the world of J-Pop through newly designed merchandise for the recently formed musical idol group Phantom Siita. Phantom Siita’s X account announced new merchandise for its first world tour, “Moth to a Flame,” which is set to start in Taipei on January 16. Soloist singer Ado, who also produces the group, quoted the post, revealing that Ito produced the illustrations.
The tour merchandise includes twelve items, such as tees, hoodies, towels, totes, lightsticks, and more. Each item features an image of the group’s world tour graphic or an illustration of each individual member and their corresponding color. All the items highlight Ito’s signature horror aesthetic, which goes hand in hand with Phantom Siita’s “retro horror” group concept.
Meet the Members of Phantom Siita
The Japanese Idol Group Includes Five Members
Phantom Siita debuted on June 26, 2024, featuring the artists and their corresponding colors: Mona (pink), Miu (white), Rinka (purple), Hisui (green), and Moka (light blue). The group debuted with their first digital single, "Otomodachi," before following up with five other singles, leading to the release of their debut album, Shoujo no Hi no Omoide, on October 30.
Junji Ito's Most Terrifying Creation Actually Rivals Marvel's Most Unkillable Character
Tomie, one of Junji Ito's most terrifying characters, has regenerative abilities so powerful, they even put Marvel's own Deadpool to shame.
Ado, known for cover songs, her hidden identity, and being the artist behind Uta's songs in One Piece Film: Red, created the group through a 4,000-person open audition with the aim of reinventing the image of modern idols. On Phantom Sitta’s website, the kanji and ethos behind the horror-based idols are explored, juxtaposing modern idols as butterflies and Phantom Siita as moths.
“The kanji spelling is "怪忌蝶(Kaikicho). If modern idols are like "butterflies," then Phantom Siita is a heretical "moth" in the idol industry. It's scary and beautiful, making you want to reach out even though you know it's scary. It's filled with the hope that she will become an idol worthy of the word "idol."
Ado also left a follow-up post under the announcement of Phantom Siita’s new merchandise, expressing her excitement for the collaboration and how Ito’s early series Tomie, inspired the group’s inception. Tomie chronicles the titular character, a beautiful and mysterious woman who drives anyone smitten by her to insanity.
Here’s How To Get Your Hands on Phantom Siita’s Merch
Although It May Be A Bit More Difficult For Fans Overseas
The merch is set to debut on January 16 during Phantom Siita’s first show, but despite heavy interest in social media, it may never be released online. According to Ado in a post on X, she wants to sell the merch online on a made-to-order basis so everyone can buy it, but nothing is confirmed yet. However, some items may be available after the world tour ends. Phantom Siita is scheduled to begin in Asia before stopping in North America and Europe. Either way, their collaboration with Junji Ito marks a fantastic start for the band.
Check Phantom Siita’s website for more information on the merch drop and the concert schedule to grab tickets.
Junji Ito
Discover the latest news and filmography for Junji Ito, known for Tomie and Uzumaki.
Birthdate July 31, 1963
Birthplace Gifu, Gifu Prefecture, Japan
Professions Mangaka , Dentist