Set in the universe of Inside Out, Dream Productions is an exciting new animated show that features several of the same cast members. Dream Productions follows Paula Persimmon, a director of Riley Andersen's dreams, as she attempts to create new dreams for Riley while feeling the pressures associated with Riley's changing age and interests. Paula Persimmon is then forced to work together with Xeni, Riley's daydream director, to accomplish their mission before Riley wakes up.
While Riley's original emotions from Inside Out and Inside Out 2 make appearances, the voice cast for Dream Productions also includes some new additions. While the dream director did appear briefly in Inside Out, Dream Productions is an expansion of the role and brings back the same voice actor. Because of the acclaim of the Inside Out movies, many of the voices present in Dream Productions will certainly be recognizable for audiences.
Paula Pell | Paula Persimmon |
Richard Ayoade | Xeni |
Amy Poehler | Joy |
Maya Rudolph | Jean Dewberry |
Ally Maki | Janelle |
Kensington Tallman | Riley Andersen |
Liza Lapira | Disgust |
Tony Hale | Fear |
Lewis Black | Anger |
Phyllis Smith | Sadness |
Paula Pell As Paula Persimmon
Date Of Birth: April 15, 1963
- Active Since: 1991
Actor: Paula Pell was born in Joliet, Illinois in 1963 and was interested in acting from a young age. Pell is best known for her work as a comedy writer, having written for Saturday Night Live for 25 years, along with many other movies and TV shows. Beyond her screenwriting, she has also appeared in numerous movies and TV shows in both acting and voice acting roles. She is likely best known for her voice roles in the Inside Out series and Big Mouth and for starring as main characters in the shows A.P. Bio and Girls5eva.
Notable Movies & TV Shows:
30 Rock | Paula Hornberger (also producer and screenwriter) |
The Awesomes | Gadget Gal |
Inside Out | Dream Director/ Mom's Anger |
Sisters | Dana |
Big Mouth | Barbara Glouberman/ Lola's Couch Pillow |
Wine Country | Val |
A.P. Bio | Helen Henry Demarcus |
Mapleworth Murders | Abigail Mapleworth |
Girls5eva | Gloria McManus |
Character: Paula Pell plays Paula Persimmon in Dream Productions. The dream director first appeared in Inside Out, and in Dream Productions she is trying to make new dream movies for Riley, but is struggling as Riley grows older and her dreams change.
Richard Ayoade As Xeni
Date Of Birth: May 23, 1977
- Active Since: 2000
Actor: Richard Ayoade was born in London, England in 1977, and began acting in a theater club while in college. Ayoade had his breakout role in Garth Marenghi's Darkplace in 2004, but he is best known for his role in the television series The IT Crowd. Ayoade has also appeared in or lent his voice to numerous other movies and TV series, including Soul, The Bad Guys, Apple & Onion, and more.
Notable Movies & TV Shows:
Garth Marenghi's Darkplace | Dean Learner |
The IT Crowd | Maurice Moss |
The Souvenir | Patrick |
Soul | Counselor Jerry B (voice) |
The Bad Guys | Professor Rupert Marmalade IV |
Apple & Onion | Onion/ Soda Can/ Éclair |
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar | Dr. Marshall/ The Great Yogi |
Character: In Dream Productions, Richard Ayoade voices the role of Xeni, the director of Riley's daydreams. Though Paula Persimmon does not view him as an important director, the two have to work together to create new dreams for Riley after she begins to outgrow her unicorn dreams.
Amy Poehler As Joy
Date Of Birth: September 16, 1971
- Active Since: 1996
Actor: Amy Poehler was born in Newton, Massachusetts in 1971, and she became interested in acting while starring in roles in school productions. Poehler was a founding member of the Upright Citizens Brigade comedy troupe, and her work with that group led to her role in a TV series of the same name. Poehler gained national attention as a cast member of Saturday Night Live in 2001 and became a household name with her role as Leslie Knope in Parks and Recreation. She is one of the most well-known comedic actors of the 2000s and 2010s.
Notable Movies & TV Shows:
Wet Hot American Summer | Susie |
Saturday Night Live | Various |
Mean Girls | Mrs. June George |
Blades of Glory | Fairchild Van Waldenberg |
Shrek the Third | Snow White (voice) |
Baby Mama | Angie Ostrowski |
Parks and Recreation | Leslie Knope |
Inside Out | Joy (voice) |
Sisters | Maura Ellis |
Wine Country | Abby |
Duncanville | Duncan Harris/ Annie Harris (voice) |
Character: Reprising her role in Inside Out and Inside Out 2, Amy Poehler voices Joy in Dream Productions. As ever, Joy is invested in Riley's well-being and making sure she is happy, though this becomes more difficult as Riley gets older.
Maya Rudolph As Jean Dewberry
Date Of Birth: July 27, 1972
- Active Since: 1996
Actor: Maya Rudolph was born in Gainesville, Florida in 1972, and began doing improv after moving to Los Angeles with her family. Rudolph held roles in Chicago Hope and City of Angels as well as in the films As Good as It Gets and Gattaca, before rising to fame in 2000 as a cast member of Saturday Night Live. Rudolph is well known for her appearances in movies such as Grown Ups and Bridesmaids and in voice roles in Big Mouth and Big Hero 6. Rudolph has also made numerous appearances in other TV shows and movies, making her a household name.
Notable Movies & TV Shows:
Chicago Hope | Nurse Leah Martine |
City of Angels | Nurse Grace Patterson |
Saturday Night Live | Herself/ Various |
Shrek the Third | Rapunzel (voice) |
Grown Ups | Deanne McKenzie |
Bridesmaids | Lillian Donovan |
Big Hero 6 | Aunt Cass (voice) |
Up All Night | Ava Alexander |
Big Mouth | Diane Birch/ Connie (voice) |
The Good Place | Judge Gen |
Wine Country | Naomi |
Disenchanted | Malvina Monroe |
Character: In Dream Productions, Jean Dewberry is Paula's boss, the head of Dream Productions. She expects the other employees of Dream Productions to be at the top of their game and expects Riley's new dreams to recover from the disinterest that she had previously shown in them.
Dream Productions Supporting Cast & Characters
Ally Maki as Janelle: Ally Maki voices Janelle in Dream Productions. Janelle is Paula's assistant, and she hopes to become a dream director as well. Ally Maki is best known for her role as Jess Kato in the TV series Wrecked and for voicing Giggle McDimples in Toy Story 4.
Kensington Tallman as Riley Andersen: Kensington Tallman voices Riley in Dream Productions, reprising her role from Inside Out 2. Tallman is best known for her roles in TV shows such as Drama Club, Home Sweet Rome, and That Girl Lay Lay.
Liza Lapira as Disgust: Liza Lapira reprises her Inside Out 2 role of Disgust in Dream Productions. Lapira is best known for playing Special Agent Michelle Lee in NCIS and Melody Bayani in The Equalizer, but she has appeared in many other movies and TV shows.
Why Inside Out Is The Most Important Animated Movie Franchise Of The Past 20 Years
Pixar’s Inside Out explores emotions and mental health in a relatable way, making it franchise that promotes empathy and self-understanding.
Tony Hale as Fear: Tony Hale also reprises his Inside Out role as Fear in Dream Productions. Hale has appeared in numerous comedy and drama productions, but he is likely most well known for his portrayals of Buster Bluth in Arrested Development and Gary Walsh in Veep.
Lewis Black as Anger: Lewis Black voices Anger in Dream Productions, as in Inside Out. Black is best known as a stand-up comedian, and he has appeared in many movies and TV shows, including The Daily Show. Outside his comedy routines, Inside Out is his most celebrated role.
Phyllis Smith as Sadness: Phyllis Smith also returns to her previous role of Sadness in Dream Productions. Phyllis Smith is best known for playing Phyllis Vance in The Office, though she also garnered attention for her role in the series The OA.
Set in the whimsical world of Riley's mind, this Inside Out spin-off series follows the crew at Dream Productions, the studio responsible for creating Riley's dreams and nightmares. As they craft cinematic experiences each night, the team faces unexpected challenges, blending humor and creativity in a vivid exploration of the subconscious.
Release Date December 11, 2024
Seasons 1