The latest entry of the beloved franchise created by the late Akira Toriyama, Dragon Ball DAIMA, introduced fans to a whole new world in the form of the Demon Realm. This mysterious place is the home of all members of the demon race and will be explored by the heroes as the series progresses. Throughout their journey, Goku and his friends will undoubtedly meet a plethora of unique allies and enemies.
One of the new characters introduced in the series could have a direct connection to one of Super’s most iconic characters: Jiren. The killer of this imposing warrior’s master could be hiding inside the Demon Realm, making it possible for Goku and his friends to encounter him. If they end up battling him, Jiren could have been avenged years before meeting the Z Warriors.
The Killer of Jiren's Master Might Be in The Demon Realm
The Demon Could Have Escaped Back Home
In episode 127 of the Dragon Ball Super anime, it is revealed that Jiren’s master, Gicchin, met his end after saving his pupil from an evil demon. This malevolent being was said to be the same that killed the Pride Trooper’s family when he was just a child. During the flashback, it is never stated if Jiren ended up finding this demon after becoming stronger, which might imply he is still alive.
The reason why he could have escaped lies in a detail confirmed in episode 1 of DAIMA, which is that the Demon Realm is not connected to any of the 12 universes of the series. The inhabitants of this world seem to be able to travel to any other without restrictions, as implied by the Namekians leaving this realm behind in the past. The demon who brought so much suffering to Jiren might still live inside the Demon Realm, avoiding the Pride Trooper’s wrath.
Goku and His Friends Could Avenge Jiren
The Demon Who Killed Jiren's Family Might Be One Of Their Future Enemies
Such a cruel and powerful being could be among the strongest, which makes them a perfect candidate to be one of the leaders of their world. Goku will no doubt enjoy challenging the strongest demons during his journey and will almost definitely have to fight some of the rulers of this world. The powerful entity who managed to kill Jiren’s master is most likely among these potential adversaries. If this is indeed the case, the series could bring Jiren some peace retroactively by making the Z Warriors fight and defeat this enemy.
Despite not knowing what they did at the time, they would bring justice to the Pride Trooper by punishing the creature who took everything from him. This would be an amazing way to connect both shows, and introduce Jiren earlier in Dragon Ball’s timeline. Neither Gicchin’s pupil nor the Z Warriors would even need to know the implications of this battle, as this topic was never mentioned during the epic and beloved Tournament of Power Saga. Yet, fans would know that Goku and his friends helped Jiren many years before their official meeting.
Dragon Ball DAIMA is sure to greatly expand the lore of the series, mostly by having the heroes explore the Demon Realm. The possibility of them fighting Jiren’s tormentor and bringing him peace would be an outstanding inclusion to the series. Regardless, the journey Goku and his friends will have during this new entry is sure to be loved by fans of the series around the world.
Dragon Ball DAIMA is the fifth overall series in the action-adventure anime franchise. It features most of the classic cast members as de-aged versions of themselves, including Goku, Vegeta, and Bulma. The series was announced at NYCC 2023, with creator Akira Toriyama returning to handle DAIMA's run.
Seasons 1
Writers Akira Toriyama