The Digimon anime franchise has been a staple of the industry for more than two decades, bringing hours of entertainment to adults and children alike with each new entry. Its relevance, while not as massive as it was during its prime, is still nothing to scoff at, with fans waiting every year for a new product related to this beloved franchise to be released.
With the recent boom that anime-inspired live-action shows have seen, with some like One Piece being considered some of the best, Digimon fans have been wondering what a real-life adventure in the Digital world would be like. These questions have been answered by a fan-made project called DigiDestined, which proves how incredible this idea can be.
DigiDestined Brings Digimon to a Whole New Level
The Digital World Has Met the Multiverse
On February 21, 2023, an independent YouTube channel named Anime Fire released the first episode of their Digimon-inspired live-action series. The series, which includes an original story, is supposed to follow the lives of various DigiDestined across the multiverse, who are fighting against an evil unknown enemy. According to the introduction, the ever-growing number of humans who find their Digimon partner has caused existence itself to become unstable. As such, an ancient entity awakened the powers of two of the best villains in the franchise, Devimon and BlackWarGreymon, to hunt and eliminate them.
Pokémon Is Great, But Digimon Still Stands As My Favorite '90s Anime
Digimon and Pokemon are two iconic anime series that fans hold in high regard, with Tai and Agumon's adventures edging out Ash and Pikachu's journey.
The main characters are unnamed DigiDestined from various Earths across the multiverse, each of whom is prepared to fight to defend their homes from imminent destruction. Their partners are a direct homage to the Adventure season, as they are all a part of the amazing original Digimon group. The first episode also includes small but exciting cameos from some of the best heroes in the franchise, like Davis from 02, or Takato from Tamers.
Digimon Is Ready for a Live-Action Adaptation
The Fan-Made Proves How Amazing This Show Could Be
DigiDestined gave fans a small glimpse of what a live-action adaptation of the Digimon franchise could be, and the consensus is that it would be incredible. While the video is short, it demonstrates how perfectly creatures like Agumon or Greymon would blend with the real world. This was all accomplished by a small but determined group of talented artists, so an entire studio working on this long-awaited project could do so much more.
The multiversal story of DigiDestined is unlikely to be selected to be adapted by a large company, but this does not mean that there are no outstanding choices for an adaptation. The live-action could be based on one of the best seasons in the franchise, like the classical Adventure or the fan-favorite Tamers. The plot would likely have to be slightly altered, as occurred with One Piece’s lore, but if done correctly, this series could quickly rise in popularity around the world.
A live-action adaptation of the Digimon franchise will probably not come out for many years more, as no plans to create one have been announced. Nonetheless, the release of DigiDestined has awakened the fandom to this idea, and with proper support, it could become a reality one day.
Digimon Adventure (1999) is an animated series following seven children who are transported to a digital world and partnered with Digimon creatures. These companions help them navigate and protect the digital realm while uncovering the mysteries behind their arrival.
Release Date March 7, 1999
Finale Year November 30, 2006
Creator(s) Akiyoshi Hongo
Writers Satoru Nishizono
Directors Hiroyuki Kakudō