Chloe Goodman reveals why she knows footballer husband Grant Hall will never stray as she lifts the lid on WAG life, swapping reality TV for university and her fairytale family

1 month ago 11

It's been 10 years since Chloe Goodman burst on to the celebrity scene as the sassy party girl who found fame on Ex On The Beach

Yet following a decade of highly publicised stints on Celebrity Big Brother, glamour model spreads and even celebrity body double work, she now prefers a life out of the spotlight. 

Indeed, the Chloe who greets me is not the same person I remember getting into scrapes on MTV and being papped partying the night away in clubs. 

I've been invited into her gorgeous home in East Sussex, where she lives with footballer husband Grant Hall and their adorable children, four-year-old daughter Isla and son Hudson, two.

Warm, personable and attentive, it's clear Chloe has the perfect persona for an adult nursing degree - which she is set to start in September

Chloe Goodman invited MailOnline into her gorgeous home in East Sussex as she opened up about WAG life and why she knows footballer husband Grant Hall will never stray

Chloe lives with Grant and their adorable children, four-year-old daughter Isla and son Hudson, two (pictured in their playroom) 

The timing is perfect for Chloe, who is keen to go back to school so that she can offer more services at her aesthetics clinic, Opiah. 

It's ironic then, that as Chloe retreats from the limelight to focus on family, that her sister Lauryn finds herself dominating the headlines for that exact reason. 

You'd have to be living under a rock to avoid being caught up in the Goodman family drama of late. 

In January, it emerged that Lauryn had an affair with married footballer Kyle Walker, resulting in them sharing a second child. 

What followed was a very public spat between the influencer, Kyle, and his wife Annie Kilner, with Lauryn's love children Kairo, four, and Kinara, 12 months, caught in the middle. 

It's understandable then that Chloe doesn't wish to be caught up in the drama. 

Despite living a stone's throw away from her sibling, the pair stay out of each other's lives. 

When it comes to Lauryn, it's not a topic that Chloe wishes to discuss. After all, she has her own family to take care of, and I can see firsthand that she has enough on her plate. 

As well as raising two young children, Chloe also has to care for her three lively dogs - dachshund Harley and French bulldogs Coco and Chanel. 

During our chat, the children, and indeed the dogs, all vie for Chloe's attention at some point.

It's nothing new for Chloe though, who when discussing the chaos of every morning, quips: 'There's five mouths to feed before I even do my own!'

As well as raising two young children, Chloe also has to care for her three lively dogs - dachshund Harley and French bulldogs Coco and Chanel

During our chat, the children, and the dogs, all vie for Chloe's attention at some point.  It's nothing new for Chloe who says of mornings 'there's five mouths to feed before I do my own!'

Chloe and Grant - who's a a central defender for Swindon Town - tied the knot in Portugal in June in front of their friends and loved ones. Her sister Lauryn was not invited 

Yet she wouldn't have it any other way and you can tell Chloe is incredibly grateful and blessed with how her life has turned out. 

There was a time, after all, when Chloe feared she may never have children. 

Chloe had half her cervix removed in 2018 following an abnormal smear test, telling fans at the time that her surgeon had warned it could impact her fertility. 

Yet - albeit with two difficult pregnancies - she managed to conceive naturally and now Grant and Chloe are enjoying their 'brilliant' children. 

She admits: 'With my youngest growing up, I totally get why mums go "shall we have another?"

'You look back with rose tinted glasses. You forget all the hard times, and you only remember the the special moments that you have. 

'I would have had another one but medically I can't have any more children. It's too risky.

'The pregnancies were really difficult with Isla and Hudson and I think I would lose the [pregnancies] if I kept trying. 

'So I'm not one to be greedy. I have a girl and a boy and they're brilliant.

'I think, in a way, knowing that I don't have an option of having another one, it makes me cherish these moments more so I'm really present when when I have them. 

'When we're together, I'm really in the moment.'

Yet she wouldn't have it any other way and you can tell Chloe is incredibly grateful and blessed with how her life has turned out

There was a time when Chloe feared she may never have children. She had to have half her cervix removed in 2018 following an abnormal smear test and she was warned about fertility 

It must help as well that her connection with husband Grant is stronger than ever. 

Chloe and Grant - who's a a central defender for Swindon Town - tied the knot in Portugal in June in front of their friends and loved ones. Her sister Lauryn was not invited

'It's been a really hectic year!' she admits. 'It was my dad's 60th birthday, my wedding, [sister] Amelia's birthday and my birthday all within one week.

'So we did a huge celebration in Portugal for the whole week - and I was studying as well throughout it all because I start uni in September. I don't know what's wrong with me!' 

Two months on and things haven't calmed down for the Goodmans. In fact, their honeymoon has been put on hold. 

MailOnline revealed this month that the couple had cancelled their dream trip to Bali because of the stress of being relentlessly trolled due to her association with sister Lauryn.

Chloe confesses: 'We aren't having one. It's too busy right now. Far too busy.

'Grant's back at football and I start university soon, I have to juggle studies with my aesthetics clinic Opiah and be a full time mum, so right now we have other priorities.'

Yet she hasn't ruled out a trip in the future, as she muse: 'We might do one. Think it's probably best when the kids are a bit older.

'They would be a handful to look after, so we're gonna wait until they're a bit older and they're a bit more self sufficient, and then we will take some time for ourselves.'

Chloe burst on to the celebrity scene on Ex On The Beach and went on to appear on Celebrity Big Brother in 2015 (pictured) but she now prefers a life out of the spotlight

It's ironic that as Chloe retreats from the limelight to focus on her children, her sister Lauryn finds herself dominating the headlines for that exact reason (pictured in 2018) 

For now, Chloe is focusing on life as a married woman. She admits that after their four-year engagement, it takes some adjusting to call Grant 'husband.' 

She confesses: 'I keep slipping up and calling him "my fiancé,  but in terms of our relationship, nothing's changed. If anything, we're probably more content. More chilled. Relaxed.'

Insisting she's not worried about anything changing, she jokes: 'We're a family and married. There's no out. He's locked in now!' 

Despite her assurances, I wonder if there is part of Chloe that is worried about the footballer stereotype. 

There are, after all, constantly stories about players cheating on their partners or being caught up in scandals. 

And as the sister of Lauryn - who has not one, but two love children with Manchester City star Kyle - surely she has a worry in the back of her mind that Grant will one day live up to the stereotype? 

The answer is a firm no.   

Chloe explains: 'Grant's never been like that. He's never been the drinking guy. 

'If he hadn't bought the house next door to my dad, I'm not sure we'd have ever met. We had all the same friends but I'd never met him before because he just doesn't go out. He keeps himself to himself.

'He knows footballers but his friends are people from school that he's known his whole life.'

Chloe shared: 'I would have had another baby but medically I can't have any more children. It's too risky. The pregnancies were really difficult with Isla and Hudson'

Chloe also has no concerns about Grant living up to the footballer stereotype and getting involved in scandal, explaining: 'Grant's never been like that. He's never been the drinking guy'

I meet Grant briefly as he's rushing out the door, polite and courteous, he seems in good spirits but in a hurry. 

Chloe explains: 'This is his day off but he's gone to a cryochamber for recovery and now he's on his way to see the chiropractor so his days off are never a day off. He's always doing something to do with football! 

'His main focus is recovery, nutrition and performance. It's a case of prolonging his career and his fitness, making sure he's looking after himself. 

'Alcohol and partying just does not go with that lifestyle that we have. So, no, I've never been worried because he's never out.

'It was me [out partying] in the early days but since I've had kids the hangovers are not worth it!'

It makes sense Chloe knows not to be sucked in by stereotypes. She herself knows what's it like to be judged without reason. 

'People just assume I'm stuck up and love materialistic things,' she muses. 'If a footballer marries someone that's really glam it's, "Oh, she's only with him for his money."

'If they if they marry someone they've been with they've known their whole life, it's "he could do so much better than her." You can't win! 

'I do think it's all changed now thought. Women are a bit more independent. They want to have their own careers. 

'They want to have their own thing going on and their own identity aside from their partners. Before, it was always "who are you dating?" that was your status. 

'Now in our generation, both parents work. I think I'd have been stupid if I ever didn't work.' 

Chloe pays no attention to the trolls and the judgement anyway.   

'I'm not doing anything to make others happy,' she explains. 'I'm doing it to make me and my family happy.'

This is in part her reason for going back to school. 

Having been a part of the reality TV circuit since her teenage years, Chloe didn't have a chance to go to university. 

Chloe shared: 'People just assume I'm stuck up and love materialistic things. If a footballer marries someone that's really glam it's, "Oh, she's only with him for his money."

Chloe has enrolled on a three-year course for adult nursing and is hoping to qualify as an advanced nurse practitioner to offer more services at her aesthetics clinic

Now, she's enrolled on a three-year course for adult nursing and is hoping to use qualify as an advanced nurse practitioner to offer more services at her aesthetics clinic.    

'I was a little bit embarrassed about going back to school,' she confesses. 'Everyone's 20-odd, fresh out of college. But then I thought the only embarrassing thing is not doing what you want to do in life and letting other people hold you back.

'So I might be the oldest one at uni, might be the oldest one in my class, but that's fine. I don't live my life on the terms of other people. I do what suits me and my family.'

It's an attitude that has clearly benefited Chloe and her loved ones, who are thriving away from the spotlight. 

With everything finally falling into the place for the star, the only thing that remains to be seen is she will one day ever be able to heal her rift with sister Lauryn. 

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