A few years back, a series titled Ranking of Kings took the world of anime and manga by surprise. This series became an overnight sensation thanks to a genuinely moving story, lovable characters, and memorable art style. Woefully, the manga stopped being published in April 2023, an event that greatly concerned readers.
However, after more than two years of hiatus, the adventures of Bojji have returned. The author, Sosuke Tooka, published a new chapter of this beloved series on December 31, 2024, putting an end to the hiatus. The series seems to be here to stay, as new entries have been uploaded almost daily ever since.
Ranking of Kings Returns From 2-Year Hiatus
Chapter #232 Pleasantly Surprised Fans
In April 2023, followers of Tooka’s work became concerned after news about a stop in the publication of the Ranking of Kings manga was announced. No reason behind this decision was made known to the public, and no date for its return was set. For nearly two years, fans lived in fear of this series never returning, a concern that has finally been quenched by the author. The series continued its publication with the surprise release of chapter #232 on December 31, 2024. New entries were released daily from that day until January 5, 2025.
Ranking of Kings Season 1 Part 2 Blu-Ray Review: A Heartwarming Series Arrives With Major Improvements
The complete first season of Ranking of Kings is now available to purchase from Crunchyroll, with some major improvements from the first half.
This has confirmed that the series will continue its publication, although a clear schedule has not been announced. Fans can find the original manga in Japanese on the author’s MangaHack profile, which has been its main means of publication since its beginning. An English version of the series is being translated into English by the company BookLive. Nonetheless, there has not yet been an announcement about the release of a translation for these new chapters.
Why Is Ranking of Kings So Beloved?
Bojji’s Story Manages to Warm Even the Coldest of Hearts
Ranking of Kings tells the story of Bojji, a prince who wishes to train to become one of the strongest kings of all time. He is a kind, caring, and determined person, who cannot talk but communicates in many other significant ways. Despite being born with a weak, diminutive body, he embarks on an adventure to train to become stronger, hoping to one day become a leader worthy of his people. The series is a heartwarming tale of conviction, determination, and the strength of human connections, besides being an excellent depiction of disability.
The manga became so popular that in 2021, an anime adaptation was released, created by the capable artists of Wit Studio, one of the best in the industry. Bojji might not be the strongest or mightiest of protagonists, but his charm and courage are more than impressive. Many fans consider Ranking of Kings one of the best comfort anime of recent years. The return of this series signifies more than just a continuation of Bojji’s tale, as it brought back joy for many fans around the world.
The return of the Ranking of Kings manga must be an amazing start to this new year for fans of the series. Readers can only hope that the series will continue its publication uninterrupted for an extended period, and that a new season of the anime will come soon.
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Ranking of Kings is an animated fantasy series that follows the journey of a young deaf prince, Bojji, as he seeks to prove his worth and overcome numerous challenges in a world where kings are ranked based on their strength, leadership, and prowess.
Release Date October 15, 2021
Creator(s) Sosuke Toka
Seasons 2